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talks terry.pratchett terry.riley theatre tor toronto tv
unix uses.this
walking web wikipedia wychwood.barns
- 3d printing a Sierpinski tetrix (05 January 2015)
- Spade and Archive (24 November 2020)
- Yesterday's Slow Scholarship Reading Group article (09 February 2018)
- Don't forget Aaron Swartz (09 February 2017)
- The Idealist (23 February 2016)
- aaronsw (24 January 2013)
- Group of Seven podcast (09 September 2024)
- Nice-Looking Printed LibraryThing Catalogue updated (12 January 2024)
- Brooker on the Group (12 March 2023)
- Mary John's Coffee Shop (07 March 2022)
- Theatre Science (20 February 2020)
- Theatre Science (06 February 2020)
- ALC Dentograph 1 (21 January 2020)
- LARGinalia (11 December 2019)
- Simultaneous Shakespearean sonnets (23 February 2019)
- Nuit Blanche 2010 (16 November 2010)
- The Arts and Letters Club of Toronto (30 October 2005)
- GrapheneOS (24 June 2024)
- Feeder (06 April 2020)
- Mount an Android phone on Linux/Unix with sshfs (05 July 2019)
- Tasker problem on Android: alarm on lock screen when no alarm is set (28 June 2019)
- LineageOS update (21 August 2017)
- LineageOS (21 March 2017)
- CyanogenMod (25 August 2015)
- Making the Days Old widget (18 August 2012)
- My first experiences with a Nexus 7 (16 July 2012)
- Correcting timestamp on photographs taken on an Acer Android phone (12 May 2012)
- My cracked Android (02 September 2009)
- Anthony Powell on getting older (14 September 2023)
- More on Donna Summer and the Dance (15 August 2023)
- Bureaucrats (17 October 2022)
- Similar practice described in Powell and Constantine (02 October 2022)
- Wymerpaugh (30 December 2021)
- Some Nero Wolfe links (06 July 2021)
- Doctor Thorne (13 February 2021)
- Donna Summer and the Dance (31 August 2020)
- Widmerpool and the Canadian Privy Council Office (26 April 2019)
- Humphries on Powell (06 September 2018)
- Books are unconvertible assets (29 July 2016)
- Westlake and Powell (01 December 2015)
- There will always be changes (12 August 2024)
- Doctor Thorne (13 February 2021)
- Trollope (09 November 2016)
- One never likes to be thanked over much for doing anything (11 August 2016)
- Foul, rainy, muddy sloppy morning (12 November 2015)
- NO AD (05 January 2015)
- AWE 2014 Thoughts (20 June 2014)
- AWE 2014 Glasses (10 June 2014)
- AWE 2014 Day Two (09 June 2014)
- AWE 2014 Day One (09 June 2014)
- AWE 2014: Preconference (06 June 2014)
- Top Technologies chapter on AR is available (05 June 2014)
- Laertes at AWE 2014 (26 May 2014)
- The Top Technologies Every Librarian Should Know (21 May 2014)
- Stuff, Standards and Sites (14 April 2014)
- Standards uniting AR apps (12 February 2014)
- awe.js (24 January 2014)
- Avoirdupois 1.0 (03 October 2013)
- Laertes update (22 April 2013)
- Death Clowns in Guantanamo Bay (17 March 2013)
- Code4Lib 2013 in Layar with Laertes (08 March 2013)
- Notes from Bruce Sterling's OARN talk (13 October 2012)
- Compact OED in Augment (11 July 2012)
- Sweet Treat (27 January 2021)
- Book Returns (26 January 2021)
- Veronica does some research (26 January 2021)
- Fundraising for new library wing (22 January 2021)
- Library and librarian at Greendale High (21 January 2021)
- Mean old librarian in Archie (13 December 2019)
- Veronica declines to go to the library (01 December 2019)
- Archie casts a spell (23 November 2019)
- Elaine the assistant librarian (22 November 2019)
- Betty smells the moldy library (29 September 2019)
- Riverdale Public Library librarian: Miss Dewey (28 September 2019)
- Riverdale Public Library librarian: Ms Hoskins (05 July 2019)
- Riverdale High librarian seen (05 July 2019)
- Josie and the Pussycats filmed in a library (04 July 2019)
- Archie finds a lost library book (04 July 2019)
- Ethel in the library (07 June 2019)
- Time-travelling Jughead in the library (06 June 2019)
- Mr Lodge's library (28 May 2019)
- Betty pops into the library (13 February 2019)
- Archie returns books to the library (12 February 2019)
- Betty in The Collector (30 January 2019)
- Betty in the library (30 January 2019)
- Unethical librarian in Archie (29 January 2019)
- Archie starts a bookmobile in Book Worm (05 December 2018)
- Archie library mention in That Human Touch (05 December 2018)
- Archie hippies get better library facilities (17 November 2018)
- Mr. Weatherbee in "Getting His Goat" (10 September 2018)
- Archie in Prize Problem (06 September 2018)
- Archie in "Ace Place" (04 September 2018)
- Betty is entering the library's literary contest (15 July 2018)
- Betty goes to the library in "A Tale of Two Papers" (14 July 2018)
- Two more Archie library stories (14 July 2018)
- Archie library story: The Big Exam! (30 April 2018)
- Two stories about Betty at the library (25 March 2018)
- Riverdale High School library in "Nerd Word" (04 March 2018)
- Two library mentions in Archie Jumbo Comics 285 (24 February 2018)
- Sabrina library (17 February 2018)
- Library meta-Archie (07 February 2018)
- Book Look (26 January 2018)
- Greendale public library (21 January 2018)
- Dilton smells a book in the library (13 January 2018)
- Hiram in the library (04 January 2018)
- Jughead in the library (03 January 2018)
- Mrs Paroo (02 November 2017)
- Dilton goes to the school library (24 October 2017)
- Two more Archie libraries (05 October 2017)
- Librarian in "The Chompian" (02 October 2017)
- Riverdale High Library (30 September 2017)
- Chuck Clayton at the ref desk (22 September 2017)
- Librarians in Archie (29 August 2017)
- Jughead is hip (15 March 2017)
- Mary John's Coffee Shop (07 March 2022)
- Judge Frank Denton and the Brown's drug store case (16 March 2020)
- Archives and tripods (07 February 2020)
- Art is the imposition of form on experience (18 March 2025)
- Framework 912: framework:afield (02 December 2024)
- Edward Ardizzone, On the Illustrating of Books (14 November 2024)
- Edward Ardizzone (25 October 2024)
- Tree-being-looked-at (10 October 2024)
- Morton Feldman quote (15 September 2024)
- Group of Seven podcast (09 September 2024)
- Bonnie Clearwater quote (10 May 2024)
- Silence is so accurate (15 February 2024)
- Marina Abramović's first art lesson (10 December 2023)
- Lev Manovich quote (11 June 2023)
- Voice of Fire (29 March 2023)
- Brooker on the Group (12 March 2023)
- NFT = G☺d / Jesus Guggenheim (09 August 2022)
- Alfred Stieglitz hurts his finger and goes to emergency (21 February 2022)
- Rafael Lozano-Hemmer on the Art and Obsolescence podcast (15 December 2021)
- Guerrilla Audio 153 (03 December 2021)
- Julian Opie soundtracking his shows (23 June 2021)
- LACUNY talk on Turning Data Into Art (07 May 2021)
- David Partridge in the Daily Telegraph (27 October 2020)
- David Partridge photograph (15 October 2020)
- ALC Dentograph 1 (21 January 2020)
- Harry Stephen Keeler on looking at art (19 January 2020)
- Duchamp's Fountain still very relevant (14 December 2019)
- LARGinalia (11 December 2019)
- framework part 2 (04 November 2019)
- framework (21 October 2019)
- In the Garden of the Delacroix Museum (29 September 2019)
- Delacroix and Marcus (10 June 2019)
- Art conservation by Michaela Bosworth (24 May 2019)
- Slow Art Day (02 April 2019)
- Not cool (16 March 2019)
- How to Burn a Million Quid (05 February 2019)
- The Wobblies on STAPLR (04 February 2019)
- David Cannadine on Churchill and art (02 January 2019)
- Delacroix's Journal (20 August 2017)
- Barnett Newman's Library (12 July 2017)
- Gödel Rucker Ajzenstat (07 February 2017)
- Sunsets (24 September 2016)
- Frank Stella quote (24 September 2016)
- STAPLR (11 January 2016)
- Mathematics and sculpture (26 May 2015)
- Julian Oliver and Critical Engineeringg (12 June 2014)
- Digital Oydyssey talk: On Dentographs (07 June 2013)
- Digitize and/or Destroy (11 April 2013)
- Purples (09 March 2013)
- In Fear We Trust 4: LibraryBox (30 September 2012)
- In Fear We Trust 3 (30 September 2012)
- In Fear We Trust 2 (28 September 2012)
- In Fear We Trust 1 (26 September 2012)
- Hat Rack (07 May 2012)
- Cheese and sandpaper (19 November 2011)
- Nuit Blanche 2010 (16 November 2010)
- Ruskin on cameras (30 June 2009)
- Stuart Maconie's Freak Zone (06 June 2022)
- Analyzing the structure of John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme, Series 9 (17 June 2021)
- John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme (28 May 2021)
- Best radio comedies (16 March 2021)
- Cabin Pressure (11 October 2019)
- Feeder (06 April 2020)
- RSS feed analysis (17 March 2017)
- Book City book drop (24 April 2020)
- Text figures (18 October 2018)
- Book City (15 October 2015)
- Augustus (08 September 2014)
- Death metal drummer rescues injured cat during hurricane (28 October 2017)
- Basic citations in Org (Part 5) (22 January 2024)
- Basic citations in Org (Part 4) (17 January 2024)
- Basic citations in Org (Part 3) (15 January 2024)
- Basic citations in Org (Part 2) (10 January 2024)
- Basic citations in Org (Part 1) (08 January 2024)
- The Science Teacher (11 April 2024)
- The Deluge (14 October 2023)
- Another Jekyll CO₂ update (06 July 2020)
- Jekyll CO₂ updates (02 July 2020)
- Minimum CO₂ per month at Mauna Loa (21 May 2019)
- 415 ppm (16 May 2019)
- Not cool (16 March 2019)
- Radio Ecoshock (19 January 2019)
- 2018-12-01 co2 (02 December 2018)
- Ice out on Stony Lake (22 June 2018)
- GHG.EARTH at LAAC17 (25 May 2017)
- 412 ppm (28 April 2017)
- Close to 410 ppm (21 April 2017)
- Anthropocene librarianship comes in many forms. One is the making of art. (17 November 2016)
- Private (14 October 2016)
- We're in the Anthropocene (almost) (29 August 2016)
- GHG.EARTH (16 August 2016)
- Climate change podcasts (05 July 2016)
- Anthropocene librarianship (15 November 2015)
- Interest rates and climate change as music (04 June 2015)
- CO₂ sparklines (17 October 2014)
- CO₂ (08 June 2014)
- Greenhouse Glasses (11 September 2013)
- Another Jekyll CO₂ update (06 July 2020)
- Jekyll CO₂ updates (02 July 2020)
- less is more with a better .lessfilter (24 June 2020)
- Combining multiple GPX tracks into one file (02 June 2020)
- Whip Radio update (06 May 2020)
- Finding the RSS feed for a Soundcloud account (25 March 2017)
- Rubocop (13 October 2016)
- Concurrency (11 October 2016)
- Academic year (22 September 2016)
- Koha on FLOSS Weekly (13 July 2016)
- Passing blocks to a thread in Sonic Pi (14 March 2016)
- Music, Code and Data: Hackfest and Happening at Access 2015 (18 August 2015)
- Spectacles and standards (14 June 2015)
- Disquiet Junto 0163 (14 February 2015)
- Steve Reich phase pieces with Sonic Pi (27 January 2015)
- Clapping Music on Sonic Pi (12 January 2015)
- CO₂ sparklines (17 October 2014)
- CO₂ (08 June 2014)
- Mrs. Abbott (29 November 2009)
- yaml2json (16 October 2009)
- My Hackfest report (02 October 2009)
- branchhours (23 June 2009)
- isbn2marc is back (28 April 2009)
- OpenFRBR relaunch (29 September 2008)
- OpenFRBR (01 November 2006)
- From the departmental minutes (03 March 2025)
- Zotero's Library Lookup list (12 February 2025)
- STAPLR on hiatus (02 May 2024)
- Nice-Looking Printed LibraryThing Catalogue updated (12 January 2024)
- LaTeX template for continuing appointment and tenure files (04 December 2023)
- Exporting Org source code blocks to LaTeX with minted (22 November 2023)
- xkcd dates (09 July 2023)
- Digital Engagement Librarian position at York University Libraries (06 March 2023)
- Commands I use (21 February 2023)
- Scholarly Communications and Metrics Librarian posting extended (24 January 2023)
- Scholarly Communications and Metrics Librarian position at York University (13 December 2022)
- Retraction Watch Database entry (04 August 2022)
- Article retraction (02 June 2022)
- Indigenous teaching and learning librarian position at York University Libraries (30 November 2021)
- Media collections librarian job open at York University (07 July 2021)
- RMS back at the FSF (24 March 2021)
- Vexation After Vexation (23 February 2021)
- Spade and Archive (24 November 2020)
- No more tracking (23 June 2020)
- Freedom of information request for York University eresource costs completed (08 June 2020)
- LibGuides (03 June 2020)
- Associate dean job open at York University (05 December 2019)
- Whip Radio (20 June 2019)
- Mapping the Indian Residential School Locations Dataset (30 May 2019)
- Library eresource vendor policies (01 May 2019)
- Freedom of information appeal for York University eresource costs successful (14 March 2019)
- Phasers on Satie (12 March 2019)
- Wanted: Media archivist at York (07 February 2019)
- The Wobblies on STAPLR (04 February 2019)
- Bargaining Parity for Librarians and Archivists (04 January 2019)
- Freedom of information request for York University eresource costs denied (22 August 2018)
- Interviewing at York University Libraries (16 July 2018)
- Sorting LCC call numbers in R (10 April 2018)
- Research data management librarian job posting at York University (14 March 2018)
- Yesterday's Slow Scholarship Reading Group article (09 February 2018)
- Org clocktables II: Summarizing a month (16 November 2017)
- COUNTER data made tidy (15 November 2017)
- Review of Statistics for Library and Information Services (11 November 2017)
- Org clocktables I: The daily structure (06 November 2017)
- Information literacy on What's New podcast (03 October 2017)
- Laurentian strike (03 October 2017)
- Denton Declaration (06 September 2017)
- York U job: head of science library / physical sciences librarian (25 April 2017)
- Don't forget Aaron Swartz (09 February 2017)
- Worst Little Free Library I've ever seen (26 January 2017)
- Notifying the Internet Archive when a new post is published (25 January 2017)
- Politics in the Library (19 January 2017)
- Recent Emacs changes (09 January 2017)
- Laptop stickers (02 December 2016)
- My job description (26 October 2016)
- Academic year (22 September 2016)
- Bad-Ass Librarians (16 August 2016)
- Koha on FLOSS Weekly (13 July 2016)
- BiblioTech (30 November 2015)
- Code4Lib 2013 in Layar with Laertes (08 March 2013)
- Seriation and the kayiwa-yo_bj vortex (24 February 2013)
- One last #c4l13 tweet thing: who mentioned whom? (22 February 2013)
- #c4l13 tweets in R (21 February 2013)
- Code4Lib North #c4ln tweets (25 May 2012)
- Code4Lib Ryan Gosling (06 December 2011)
- Code4Lib North 2011 (08 June 2011)
- Code4Lib++, or, Why I'm Still Going to McMaster Even Though Jeff Trzeciak Spreads Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (12 April 2011)
- Code4Lib North notes (10 May 2010)
- Code4Lib North this Thursday and Friday (02 May 2010)
- Code4Lib 2010: Wednesday 24 February (01 March 2010)
- Code4Lib 2010: Tuesday 23 February (01 March 2010)
- Code4Lib 2010: Monday 22 February (01 March 2010)
- Code4Lib North (12 January 2010)
- My Code4Lib 2010 t-shirt (21 December 2009)
- Code4Lib 2009 notes (22 April 2009)
- Daniel Messer at DEF CON (21 October 2024)
- Teambuilding in the Time of Covid-19: A Zoom Play (27 July 2021)
- LACUNY talk on Turning Data Into Art (07 May 2021)
- framework part 2 (04 November 2019)
- framework (21 October 2019)
- Access testimonial (02 September 2015)
- Music, Code and Data: Hackfest and Happening at Access 2015 (18 August 2015)
- AWE 2014 Thoughts (20 June 2014)
- AWE 2014 Glasses (10 June 2014)
- AWE 2014 Day Two (09 June 2014)
- AWE 2014 Day One (09 June 2014)
- AWE 2014: Preconference (06 June 2014)
- THATCamp GTA 2011 (01 November 2011)
- Best Library Conference Talks of the Year 2011, with Steve Buscemi and Kate Winslet (17 May 2011)
- Access 2009, Saturday #3: Gwendolyn MacNairn, Zotero: A Better Way to Go? (11 October 2009)
- Access 2009, Saturday #4: William J. Turkel, Hacking as a Way of Knowing (11 October 2009)
- Access 2009, Saturday #2: Cathy Nelson Hartman and Mark Phillips: The Portal to Texas History (11 October 2009)
- Access 2009, Friday #6: Roy Tennant, Inspecting the Elephant: Characterizing the Hathi Trust Collection (11 October 2009)
- Access 2009, Friday #5: Dorothea Salo, Grab a Bucket! It's Raining Data! (11 October 2009)
- Access 2009, Friday #7: Bess Sadler, Blacklight: Findability for Your Whole Collection (11 October 2009)
- Access 2009, Friday #9: Andrew Nagy and Heather Tones White: Mobile Apps (11 October 2009)
- Access 2009. Saturday #1: Mark Leggott, Virtual Research Environment: Two Years Later, or, Islandora Takes Shape (11 October 2009)
- Access 2009, Friday #8: Jonathan Jiras, The Extensible Catalog (11 October 2009)
- Access 2009, Friday lightning talks (11 October 2009)
- Access 2009, Thursday #9 - Stevan Harnad, Grasping What is Already Within Immediate Reach: Universal Open Access Mandates (07 October 2009)
- Access 2009, Thursday #7-8: Roy Tennant vs Mike Rylander (07 October 2009)
- Access 2009, Thursday #5: Dan Chudnov, Repository Development at the Library of Congress (07 October 2009)
- Access 2009, Thursday #2: Richard Akerman - Will We Command Our Data? (07 October 2009)
- Access 2009, Thursday #1: Cory Doctorow (07 October 2009)
- My Hackfest report (02 October 2009)
- DIG: Hackfest. (30 September 2009)
- Upgrading my Tor bridges (11 April 2024)
- How I set up a Tor bridge (07 April 2024)
- Emacs in Conforguration (01 December 2016)
- Ruby in Conforguration (29 November 2016)
- Conforguring dotfiles (10 May 2016)
- Conforguration (05 May 2016)
- Boléro copyright bollocks (24 March 2023)
- First gig (20 September 2021)
- Teambuilding in the Time of Covid-19: A Zoom Play (27 July 2021)
- Second vaccination shot (05 July 2021)
- First vaccination shot (16 May 2021)
- Jackpot (27 January 2021)
- YFile interview (26 January 2021)
- Mask Up (24 August 2020)
- Clover Roads Organic Farm (10 July 2020)
- Monforte Dairy (18 May 2020)
- Motherdough (02 May 2020)
- More Alchemy Pickle (25 April 2020)
- Book City book drop (24 April 2020)
- Alchemy Pickle Company (18 April 2020)
- John Conway (12 April 2020)
- Clover Roads Organic Farm (10 April 2020)
- Updating OpenStreetMap on my daily walks (08 April 2020)
- ChocoSol (04 April 2020)
- Interac autodeposit (01 April 2020)
- Hand-washing (22 March 2020)
- Stoicism and COVID-19 (18 March 2020)
- Now let's listen (17 March 2020)
- The libraries are closed (17 March 2020)
- The libraries remain open (15 March 2020)
- Fungi Town (05 March 2020)
- Fungi Town (27 January 2019)
- CBC web tracking (18 June 2018)
- Fungi Town episode on lichen (22 April 2018)
- Lichen and moss news (25 August 2016)
- Hammett (03 June 2022)
- Gores, Hammett and Keeler (02 June 2022)
- LACUNY talk on Turning Data Into Art (07 May 2021)
- Digital Oydyssey talk: On Dentographs (07 June 2013)
- On Dentographs (03 February 2012)
- Dirty Money (29 January 2023)
- Firebreak (24 January 2023)
- The first sixteen Parkers (16 January 2022)
- First lines to Alan Grofield books (10 January 2022)
- Wymerpaugh (30 December 2021)
- Westlake and Powell (01 December 2015)
- Updated Westlake footnote (28 July 2015)
- Dying Every Day (11 April 2014)
- Zen problems (20 July 2011)
- Upgraded Drupal (07 July 2010)
- Converted to Drupal (30 March 2009)
- Edward Ardizzone, On the Illustrating of Books (14 November 2024)
- Edward Ardizzone (25 October 2024)
- Upgrading my Tor bridges (11 April 2024)
- Basic citations in Org (Part 5) (22 January 2024)
- Basic citations in Org (Part 4) (17 January 2024)
- Basic citations in Org (Part 3) (15 January 2024)
- Basic citations in Org (Part 2) (10 January 2024)
- Basic citations in Org (Part 1) (08 January 2024)
- Exporting Org source code blocks to LaTeX with minted (22 November 2023)
- Emacs and Vigour (12 February 2023)
- LaTeX letters in Org (28 January 2022)
- Pretty symbols in Ruby in Emacs (29 May 2021)
- RMS back at the FSF (24 March 2021)
- Firefox and Emacs again (25 August 2020)
- Freedom of information request for York University eresource costs completed (08 June 2020)
- Emacs refactoring (28 May 2020)
- Mapping Acid Mothers Temple tours (06 June 2019)
- Text figures (18 October 2018)
- Org clocktables II: Summarizing a month (16 November 2017)
- Org clocktables I: The daily structure (06 November 2017)
- Recent Emacs changes (09 January 2017)
- Rubocop (13 October 2016)
- Concurrency (11 October 2016)
- org-export-babel-evaluate (03 October 2016)
- Image display size in Org (25 August 2016)
- Tidy data in Org (30 June 2016)
- Setting up Sonic Pi on Ubuntu, with Emacs (17 January 2015)
- Reading diary in Org (01 January 2015)
- Escape Meta Alt from Word (23 October 2014)
- Prettifying R in Emacs (17 October 2014)
- Anonymous August Wikipedia edits from the House of Commons (02 September 2014)
- Uses Emacs (11 June 2014)
- More about Emacs and Jekyll (26 January 2014)
- Firefox overtook Emacs (15 January 2014)
- Jekyll 2 (13 January 2014)
- Org and poems (03 October 2013)
- Paul Dutton, sound poetry, Emacs and Tavis Rudd (31 July 2013)
- My .emacs.d (21 April 2013)
- When will Firefox overtake Emacs? (13 September 2012)
- How I use Emacs for Getting Things Done (21 April 2009)
- Pobox (14 September 2022)
- Pliny the Younger and email (12 January 2019)
- Robert Scoble, Richard Stallman, email and privacy (04 June 2014)
- My email is not bouncing (27 November 2009)
- Sonic Pi Vexations (04 March 2021)
- Vexation After Vexation (23 February 2021)
- Phasers on Satie (12 March 2019)
- Framework 912: framework:afield (02 December 2024)
- framework intro (06 December 2021)
- Stony Lake Sounds (01 October 2021)
- Framework 756 (10 May 2021)
- Framework 750 (31 March 2021)
- YFile interview (26 January 2021)
- Field recordings are sonic readymades (02 May 2020)
- Listen Up (20 April 2020)
- Now let's listen (17 March 2020)
- York University Libraries Ambiences (16 March 2020)
- framework part 2 (04 November 2019)
- framework (21 October 2019)
- In the Garden of the Delacroix Museum (29 September 2019)
- Radio Aporee Maps (04 July 2019)
- Forest 404 (04 June 2019)
- Framework Radio (11 February 2019)
- Kawartha Sounds (18 August 2016)
- The Conversation (11 March 2025)
- Hammett (03 June 2022)
- Sherlock Holmes movie stills (02 February 2022)
- The House of Fear (25 January 2022)
- The Pearl of Death (24 January 2022)
- Miles Mander (23 January 2022)
- The first sixteen Parkers (16 January 2022)
- Freedom of information request for York University eresource costs completed (08 June 2020)
- Freedom of information appeal for York University eresource costs successful (14 March 2019)
- I dropped my FIPPA appeal over York chair-to-chair letter (26 September 2018)
- Freedom of information request for York University eresource costs denied (22 August 2018)
- Letters from the chair of the Board of Governors to the chair of Senate (19 May 2018)
- Making the Firefox scrollbar bigger (09 July 2024)
- Rippah Chili Oil (23 March 2025)
- Anchovies (23 September 2021)
- More fictional footnotes (02 April 2024)
- Mystery fictional footnotes added (08 February 2024)
- Miriam Lahrsow's data set of self-annotated literary works (26 January 2021)
- Updated Westlake footnote (28 July 2015)
- Footnotes update (08 June 2011)
- Updated footnote list (14 September 2009)
- Fictional footnotes update (03 July 2009)
- Footnotes in The Spellman Files (03 May 2009)
- Framework 912: framework:afield (02 December 2024)
- framework intro (06 December 2021)
- Framework 756 (10 May 2021)
- Framework 750 (31 March 2021)
- framework part 2 (04 November 2019)
- framework (21 October 2019)
- Framework Radio (11 February 2019)
- Judge Frank Denton and the Brown's drug store case (16 March 2020)
- Review of Implementing FRBR in Libraries, by Zhang and Salaba (16 September 2010)
- Video of What We Talk About When We Talk About FRBR (22 May 2009)
- OpenFRBR relaunch (29 September 2008)
- FRBR and the History of Cataloguing (21 April 2008)
- OpenFRBR (01 November 2006)
- The FRBR blog (26 June 2005)
- Combining multiple GPX tracks into one file (02 June 2020)
- Kawartha Land Trust Stony Lake Trails in OpenStreetMap (09 May 2020)
- Updating OpenStreetMap on my daily walks (08 April 2020)
- Mapping Acid Mothers Temple tours (06 June 2019)
- Mapping the Indian Residential School Locations Dataset (30 May 2019)
- Geolocation (24 January 2014)
- GrapheneOS (24 June 2024)
- The Great Eastern (04 January 2025)
- Michael Collins on The Great Eastern (02 October 2014)
- The Great Eastern: Introduction to Library Science (01 August 2014)
- The Great Eastern (28 April 2014)
- How I use Emacs for Getting Things Done (21 April 2009)
- Keeler News news (01 August 2023)
- Gores, Hammett and Keeler (02 June 2022)
- Dr. JoÙson (05 May 2023)
- Notifying the Internet Archive when a new post is published (25 January 2017)
- RUSTLE (11 June 2014)
- Ruby 3.2 problem with Jekyll (02 January 2023)
- Another Jekyll CO₂ update (06 July 2020)
- Jekyll CO₂ updates (02 July 2020)
- Notifying the Internet Archive when a new post is published (25 January 2017)
- Now with and COinS structured metadata (11 September 2015)
- CO₂ sparklines (17 October 2014)
- CO₂ (08 June 2014)
- More about Emacs and Jekyll (26 January 2014)
- Jekyll 2 (13 January 2014)
- Jekyll (09 January 2014)
- Hammett (03 June 2022)
- Gores, Hammett and Keeler (02 June 2022)
- Duchamp, Cage, Moschen (12 December 2023)
- Julian Opie soundtracking his shows (23 June 2021)
- 25 Minutes of Silence (25 September 2020)
- Theatre Science (20 February 2020)
- Theatre Science (06 February 2020)
- Quaker Meeting for Worship recording (06 May 2018)
- You Are (14 March 2018)
- Listening to Art (06 June 2017)
- Cage (24 March 2017)
- 25 Minutes of Silence (23 February 2017)
- John Cage's library (15 February 2017)
- Nuit Blanche 2010 (16 November 2010)
- Yellow Car again again (11 June 2022)
- Yellow Car again (25 February 2022)
- Yellow Car (10 February 2022)
- Analyzing the structure of John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme, Series 9 (17 June 2021)
- John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme (28 May 2021)
- Best radio comedies (16 March 2021)
- Cabin Pressure (11 October 2019)
- Duchamp, Cage, Moschen (12 December 2023)
- Ron Graham (13 July 2020)
- Illustration profile of Kady MacDonald Denton (17 April 2024)
- Raymond Briggs (30 January 2024)
- Billy and Rose: Forever Friends (02 January 2024)
- Billy and Rose: Forever Friends (18 October 2022)
- A Visitor for Bear read by Donnie Yen (31 May 2020)
- What Are You Doing, Benny? (07 May 2019)
- A Christmas for Bear (20 September 2017)
- Steve Reich phase pieces with Sonic Pi (27 January 2015)
- Seven Questions Over Breakfast with Kady MacDonald Denton (06 July 2011)
- Libraries in Bottom Liner Blues (19 October 2022)
- Bureaucrats (17 October 2022)
- Similar practice described in Powell and Constantine (02 October 2022)
- Mario Balzic and libraries, from The Blank Page (14 September 2022)
- Ubuntu 24.04 upgrade broke GNOME and now I run KDE and love it (13 February 2025)
- LaTeX template for continuing appointment and tenure files (04 December 2023)
- Exporting Org source code blocks to LaTeX with minted (22 November 2023)
- LaTeX letters in Org (28 January 2022)
- Text figures (18 October 2018)
- From the departmental minutes (03 March 2025)
- Daniel Messer at DEF CON (21 October 2024)
- STAPLR on hiatus (02 May 2024)
- The Science Teacher (11 April 2024)
- Nice-Looking Printed LibraryThing Catalogue updated (12 January 2024)
- Chips Channon on shelving (22 March 2023)
- Digital Engagement Librarian position at York University Libraries (06 March 2023)
- Scholarly Communications and Metrics Librarian posting extended (24 January 2023)
- Scholarly Communications and Metrics Librarian position at York University (13 December 2022)
- Libraries in Bottom Liner Blues (19 October 2022)
- Indigenous teaching and learning librarian position at York University Libraries (30 November 2021)
- May I Borrow a Stapler? (22 September 2021)
- PIs and libraries (27 July 2021)
- Teambuilding in the Time of Covid-19: A Zoom Play (27 July 2021)
- Sweet Treat (27 January 2021)
- Book Returns (26 January 2021)
- Veronica does some research (26 January 2021)
- Fundraising for new library wing (22 January 2021)
- Library and librarian at Greendale High (21 January 2021)
- Spade and Archive (24 November 2020)
- Freedom of information request for York University eresource costs completed (08 June 2020)
- LibGuides (03 June 2020)
- The libraries are closed (17 March 2020)
- York University Libraries Ambiences (16 March 2020)
- The libraries remain open (15 March 2020)
- Theatre Science (20 February 2020)
- Theatre Science (06 February 2020)
- Mean old librarian in Archie (13 December 2019)
- Associate dean job open at York University (05 December 2019)
- Veronica declines to go to the library (01 December 2019)
- Archie casts a spell (23 November 2019)
- Elaine the assistant librarian (22 November 2019)
- Navigating the Reorganization (26 October 2019)
- STAPLR is back up (29 September 2019)
- Betty smells the moldy library (29 September 2019)
- Riverdale Public Library librarian: Miss Dewey (28 September 2019)
- STAPLR is down (18 September 2019)
- Riverdale Public Library librarian: Ms Hoskins (05 July 2019)
- Riverdale High librarian seen (05 July 2019)
- Josie and the Pussycats filmed in a library (04 July 2019)
- Archie finds a lost library book (04 July 2019)
- Ethel in the library (07 June 2019)
- Time-travelling Jughead in the library (06 June 2019)
- Mr Lodge's library (28 May 2019)
- Library eresource vendor policies (01 May 2019)
- Freedom of information appeal for York University eresource costs successful (14 March 2019)
- Phasers on Satie (12 March 2019)
- Betty pops into the library (13 February 2019)
- Archie returns books to the library (12 February 2019)
- Wanted: Media archivist at York (07 February 2019)
- The Wobblies on STAPLR (04 February 2019)
- Betty in The Collector (30 January 2019)
- Betty in the library (30 January 2019)
- Unethical librarian in Archie (29 January 2019)
- Homes and haunts (09 January 2019)
- TPL bookplate (07 January 2019)
- Bargaining Parity for Librarians and Archivists (04 January 2019)
- Archie starts a bookmobile in Book Worm (05 December 2018)
- Archie library mention in That Human Touch (05 December 2018)
- Archie hippies get better library facilities (17 November 2018)
- Mr. Weatherbee in "Getting His Goat" (10 September 2018)
- Archie in Prize Problem (06 September 2018)
- Archie in "Ace Place" (04 September 2018)
- Freedom of information request for York University eresource costs denied (22 August 2018)
- MYSTERY HUG (20 July 2018)
- Interviewing at York University Libraries (16 July 2018)
- Betty is entering the library's literary contest (15 July 2018)
- Betty goes to the library in "A Tale of Two Papers" (14 July 2018)
- Two more Archie library stories (14 July 2018)
- Archie library story: The Big Exam! (30 April 2018)
- Two stories about Betty at the library (25 March 2018)
- Easy Reader (19 March 2018)
- Riverdale High School library in "Nerd Word" (04 March 2018)
- Two library mentions in Archie Jumbo Comics 285 (24 February 2018)
- Sabrina library (17 February 2018)
- Yesterday's Slow Scholarship Reading Group article (09 February 2018)
- Library meta-Archie (07 February 2018)
- Book Look (26 January 2018)
- Greendale public library (21 January 2018)
- Dilton smells a book in the library (13 January 2018)
- Hiram in the library (04 January 2018)
- Jughead in the library (03 January 2018)
- Org clocktables II: Summarizing a month (16 November 2017)
- COUNTER data made tidy (15 November 2017)
- Review of Statistics for Library and Information Services (11 November 2017)
- Org clocktables I: The daily structure (06 November 2017)
- Mrs Paroo (02 November 2017)
- Dilton goes to the school library (24 October 2017)
- Two more Archie libraries (05 October 2017)
- Information literacy on What's New podcast (03 October 2017)
- Laurentian strike (03 October 2017)
- Librarian in "The Chompian" (02 October 2017)
- Riverdale High Library (30 September 2017)
- Chuck Clayton at the ref desk (22 September 2017)
- Denton Declaration (06 September 2017)
- Librarians in Archie (29 August 2017)
- Barnett Newman's Library (12 July 2017)
- Damn straight (10 May 2017)
- York U job: head of science library / physical sciences librarian (25 April 2017)
- Duchamp, librarian (12 April 2017)
- Doris Lessing's library (21 February 2017)
- John Cage's library (15 February 2017)
- Gödel Rucker Ajzenstat (07 February 2017)
- Worst Little Free Library I've ever seen (26 January 2017)
- Politics in the Library (19 January 2017)
- The original ethical data scientists (06 January 2017)
- Laptop stickers (02 December 2016)
- My job description (26 October 2016)
- Bad-Ass Librarians (16 August 2016)
- Koha on FLOSS Weekly (13 July 2016)
- TPL shills for Google (16 June 2016)
- The Triple Staple (12 February 2016)
- STAPLR (11 January 2016)
- BiblioTech (30 November 2015)
- Zotero and Mozilla (24 November 2015)
- Anthropocene librarianship (15 November 2015)
- Metal librarianship (21 October 2015)
- Thinks and Burns (12 September 2015)
- A Catalogue of Cuts (06 September 2015)
- Access testimonial (02 September 2015)
- Music, Code and Data: Hackfest and Happening at Access 2015 (18 August 2015)
- Measure the Library Freedom (02 February 2015)
- Lehman Libraries (14 October 2014)
- YUL Signs (05 August 2014)
- Disquiet Library Exit (05 August 2014)
- Debt (04 August 2014)
- Open letter to the Toronto Public Library about Hoopla and privacy (08 May 2014)
- The heart of the university (15 April 2014)
- Don't give up your library card number (09 April 2014)
- Welcome to the Jungle LibGuide (01 August 2013)
- Digitize and/or Destroy (11 April 2013)
- Review of The History of the Library in Western Civilization: From Cassiodorus to Furnival: Classical and Christian Letters, Schools and Libraries in the Monasteries and Universities, Western Book Centres (10 September 2012)
- MARC magic for file (28 May 2012)
- Information Literacy Ryan Gosling (06 December 2011)
- Code4Lib Ryan Gosling (06 December 2011)
- How much do "web-scale discovery services" for libraries cost? (09 November 2011)
- Best Library Conference Talks of the Year 2011, with Steve Buscemi and Kate Winslet (17 May 2011)
- I pass between the two lions (01 March 2010)
- James Michener on How to Use a Library (24 January 2010)
- Nancy Williamson Festschrift in CCQ 48: 1 (03 December 2009)
- Kosavic, The York Digital Journals Project: Strategies for Institutional Open Journal Systems Implementations (19 September 2009)
- Preach it (08 August 2007)
- IA Channel podcast on faceted classification (15 February 2007)
- Library Geeks chat with Dan Chudnov (07 November 2006)
- Ranganathan's Monologue on Melvil Dewey (18 December 2005)
- STAPLR DisPerSion (02 February 2016)
- Better ways of using R on LibStats (3): Fifteen minutes of research support (30 April 2014)
- YUL annual numbers (25 April 2014)
- Better ways of using R on LibStats (2): durations (22 April 2014)
- Better ways of using R on LibStats (1) (22 April 2014)
- Ref desk 5: Fifteen minutes for under one per cent (11 May 2012)
- Ref desk 4: Calculating hours of interactions (24 April 2012)
- Ref desk 3: Comparing question.type across branches (20 April 2012)
- Ref desk 2: Questions asked per week at a branch (19 April 2012)
- Ref Desk 1: LibStats (17 April 2012)
- ARL statistics visualized with R and Google Motion Charts (28 July 2011)
- Canadian library statistics visualized with R and Google Motion Charts (21 July 2011)
- Using R on some ARL statistics (07 April 2011)
- An improved graph (03 April 2011)
- More about declining circulation at York (01 April 2011)
- Initial circs per student (31 January 2011)
- VuFind usage fives times that of "classic catalogue" (17 December 2010)
- Framework 912: framework:afield (02 December 2024)
- Listening to Art volume 12 complete (01 May 2023)
- Voice of Fire (29 March 2023)
- Alfred Stieglitz hurts his finger and goes to emergency (21 February 2022)
- Guerrilla Audio 153 (03 December 2021)
- Listening to Art Volumes 3–4 in print (30 November 2021)
- Listening to Art 10.01 (14 November 2021)
- Julian Opie soundtracking his shows (23 June 2021)
- Galleries index on Listening to Art (01 June 2021)
- LACUNY talk on Turning Data Into Art (07 May 2021)
- Listening to Art volume 8 complete (01 May 2021)
- David Partridge photograph (15 October 2020)
- Listening to Art ad (02 September 2020)
- No more FLAC on Listening to Art (14 May 2020)
- Now let's listen (17 March 2020)
- In the Garden of the Delacroix Museum (29 September 2019)
- Self-hosting Libre Baskerville web font (12 February 2019)
- Listening to Art in print (13 January 2019)
- Listening to Art now has an ISSN (11 December 2018)
- Listening to Art 03.09 (13 September 2018)
- Listening to Art 03.05 (15 July 2018)
- Listening to Art, Volume 3 (15 May 2018)
- You Are (14 March 2018)
- Listening to Art 02.08 (01 March 2018)
- Three times In Advance of the Broken Arm (22 January 2018)
- Listening to Art 01.08 (01 September 2017)
- Listening to Art 01.03 (13 June 2017)
- Listening to Art (06 June 2017)
- Daphne Oram and Francis Bacon (16 October 2024)
- Raymond Briggs (30 January 2024)
- The Deluge (14 October 2023)
- Elisabeth Russell Taylor (26 September 2023)
- The New and Complete Life (16 June 2023)
- Going Zero (02 May 2023)
- Ned Beauman and the books in his life (07 March 2023)
- Yellow Car again again (11 June 2022)
- Yellow Car again (25 February 2022)
- Yellow Car (10 February 2022)
- Might as well be Canadian (08 October 2021)
- Bill Arney dead (30 September 2021)
- World of Wonders (24 September 2021)
- Second vaccination shot (05 July 2021)
- James Atlee Phillips (10 March 2021)
- Doctor Thorne (13 February 2021)
- Jackpot (27 January 2021)
- Miriam Lahrsow's data set of self-annotated literary works (26 January 2021)
- Terry Pratchett biography (21 January 2021)
- More Nero Wolfe (18 January 2021)
- Spade and Archive (24 November 2020)
- Desert Island Discworld (13 November 2020)
- The Nero Wolfe Cookbook (03 November 2020)
- The House on the Borderland (23 October 2020)
- Fictional Dentons (11 August 2020)
- Book City book drop (24 April 2020)
- William Gibson (05 March 2020)
- Harry Stephen Keeler on looking at art (19 January 2020)
- Sellers and Newel (27 December 2019)
- Wodehouse on Stout (28 November 2019)
- Charles Dickens in Bonanza (04 April 2019)
- Humphries on Powell (06 September 2018)
- Joan Bodger (24 July 2018)
- Galactic Pot-Healer (18 July 2018)
- Now Wait for Last Year (14 June 2018)
- Ursula K. Le Guin on H.P. Lovecraft (21 April 2018)
- A remarkable sentence by Dumas (26 August 2017)
- Socrates, by Lister Sinclair (22 August 2017)
- Advice from Skeleton Island (16 August 2017)
- Clive James (27 February 2017)
- Hearing Secret Harmonies (02 January 2017)
- Cato in fiction (11 February 2016)
- My Three Rules of Reading (26 October 2015)
- Elizabeth Jane Howard (17 February 2014)
- Ross Thomas and the Library of Congress (30 September 2012)
- DIG: Hackfest. (30 September 2009)
- Kurt Vonnegut to Charles Willeford (21 July 2009)
- Lazy Gink's Guide to a Complete Hammett Collection (07 January 2006)
- Robertson Davies quote (23 June 2005)
- Robert Hughes and Marcel Duchamp (04 December 2024)
- Duchamp, Cage, Moschen (12 December 2023)
- Field recordings are sonic readymades (02 May 2020)
- Duchamp's Fountain still very relevant (14 December 2019)
- You Are (14 March 2018)
- Three times In Advance of the Broken Arm (22 January 2018)
- Theodore Roosevelt on "Nude Descending a Staircase" (21 September 2017)
- Listening to Art (06 June 2017)
- Duchamp, librarian (12 April 2017)
- John Cage's library (15 February 2017)
- Hat Rack (07 May 2012)
- Nuit Blanche 2010 (16 November 2010)
- Ron Graham (13 July 2020)
- Recamán's Sequence (12 May 2020)
- John Conway (12 April 2020)
- Foolproof (25 April 2018)
- 6/π² (12 April 2018)
- Review: Are Numbers Real? (06 March 2017)
- Gödel Rucker Ajzenstat (07 February 2017)
- The original ethical data scientists (06 January 2017)
- Gauss and pizza (09 December 2016)
- 846 (30 November 2016)
- Genius at Play (14 August 2015)
- Animated intersecting circles (04 January 2015)
- Intersecting circles (19 December 2014)
- Punk math (09 June 2011)
- Rosie or Nunslaughter (13 April 2016)
- Metal librarianship (21 October 2015)
- Now with and COinS structured metadata (11 September 2015)
- Mick Herron on getting older (14 September 2023)
- Yellow Car again again (11 June 2022)
- Yellow Car again (25 February 2022)
- Yellow Car (10 February 2022)
- X is the Y of Z (16 October 2024)
- Daphne Oram and Francis Bacon (16 October 2024)
- BBC Radio 6 Music (15 April 2024)
- The Testimony of Patience Kershaw (07 April 2024)
- Boléro copyright bollocks (24 March 2023)
- First gig (20 September 2021)
- Sonic Pi Vexations (04 March 2021)
- Hawkwind and Rush (26 October 2020)
- Donna Summer and the Dance (31 August 2020)
- Whip Radio update (06 May 2020)
- James Brown on mistakes (12 March 2020)
- In C (17 February 2020)
- Rdio four years ago is still better than Tidal now (17 January 2020)
- STAPLR is back up (29 September 2019)
- STAPLR is down (18 September 2019)
- Whip Radio (20 June 2019)
- Mapping Acid Mothers Temple tours (06 June 2019)
- Phasers on Satie (12 March 2019)
- Framework Radio (11 February 2019)
- How to Burn a Million Quid (05 February 2019)
- The Wobblies on STAPLR (04 February 2019)
- Play It Again (15 March 2018)
- Bruce Dickinson on Christmas University Challenge (14 January 2018)
- Brooklyn Raga Massive, In C (14 November 2017)
- Death metal drummer rescues injured cat during hurricane (28 October 2017)
- Live albums (06 September 2017)
- "Heroes" (29 June 2017)
- Finding the RSS feed for a Soundcloud account (25 March 2017)
- Steve Reich is Calling (05 March 2017)
- Tidal: no better (04 January 2017)
- Let's Not Talk of Love and (29 November 2016)
- King Crimson, Queen Elizabeth Theatre, 20 November 2015 (23 August 2016)
- Rosie or Nunslaughter (13 April 2016)
- Passing blocks to a thread in Sonic Pi (14 March 2016)
- There Wasn't No Party Like the Rdio Party, Then the Rdio Party Stopped (24 February 2016)
- My 0x10: AC/DC (19 February 2016)
- STAPLR DisPerSion (02 February 2016)
- Sleep (01 February 2016)
- STAPLR (11 January 2016)
- Metal librarianship (21 October 2015)
- Music, Code and Data: Hackfest and Happening at Access 2015 (18 August 2015)
- Minty fresh (14 August 2015)
- Interest rates and climate change as music (04 June 2015)
- Disquiet Junto 0163 (14 February 2015)
- Steve Reich phase pieces with Sonic Pi (27 January 2015)
- Setting up Sonic Pi on Ubuntu, with Emacs (17 January 2015)
- Clapping Music on Sonic Pi (12 January 2015)
- Disquiet Library Exit (05 August 2014)
- Clapping Music (14 October 2012)
- Knee Play 3 (08 July 2012)
- Einstein on the Beach (10 June 2012)
- Make my Glass the P-Glass (18 March 2010)
- How I got my Sansa Fuze MP3 player to recharge when the battery was completely drained and nothing happened when I plugged in the USB cable (20 July 2009)
- Nice-Looking Printed LibraryThing Catalogue updated (12 January 2024)
- Nice-Looking Printed LibraryThing Catalogue (02 February 2011)
- Hackfest project: nlpltc (18 October 2010)
- Ron Graham (13 July 2020)
- John Conway (12 April 2020)
- Elizabeth Jane Howard (17 February 2014)
- aaronsw (24 January 2013)
- Denton Declaration (06 September 2017)
- CC-BY (25 May 2016)
- The Idealist (23 February 2016)
- York University Open Access Policy for Librarians and Archivists (13 October 2009)
- Jamming at Philip Glass's (01 June 2017)
- Knee Play 3 (08 July 2012)
- Einstein on the Beach (10 June 2012)
- Make my Glass the P-Glass (18 March 2010)
- PIs and libraries (27 July 2021)
- Private investigator (15 May 2021)
- Canadaland testimonial (09 March 2024)
- Alfred Stieglitz hurts his finger and goes to emergency (21 February 2022)
- framework intro (06 December 2021)
- Guerrilla Audio 153 (03 December 2021)
- Dr. Canadiana (25 September 2020)
- 25 Minutes of Silence (25 September 2020)
- Fungi Town (05 March 2020)
- framework part 2 (04 November 2019)
- framework (21 October 2019)
- Forest 404 (04 June 2019)
- My Pen Addict question (17 February 2019)
- Framework Radio (11 February 2019)
- How to Burn a Million Quid (05 February 2019)
- Fungi Town (27 January 2019)
- Radio Ecoshock (19 January 2019)
- Massimo Pigliucci Stoic Meditations (19 June 2018)
- Fungi Town episode on lichen (22 April 2018)
- 6/π² (12 April 2018)
- Information literacy on What's New podcast (03 October 2017)
- Listening to Art (06 June 2017)
- Jamming at Philip Glass's (01 June 2017)
- I'm a guest on 25 Minutes of Silence (18 May 2017)
- 25 Best Minutes So Far of 25 Minutes of Silence (10 May 2017)
- The Next Track (26 March 2017)
- Finding the RSS feed for a Soundcloud account (25 March 2017)
- 25 Minutes of Silence (23 February 2017)
- Climate change podcasts (05 July 2016)
- Stoic podcasts and interviews (15 May 2009)
- IA Channel podcast on faceted classification (15 February 2007)
- Simultaneous Shakespearean sonnets (23 February 2019)
- Org and poems (03 October 2013)
- Paul Dutton, sound poetry, Emacs and Tavis Rudd (31 July 2013)
- Poems to Memorize (18 January 2011)
- Canadian hosts for online services (26 February 2025)
- Upgrading my Tor bridges (11 April 2024)
- How I set up a Tor bridge (07 April 2024)
- Going Zero (02 May 2023)
- No more tracking (23 June 2020)
- Pi-hole (02 October 2019)
- CBC web tracking (18 June 2018)
- Jamming at Philip Glass's (01 June 2017)
- PortaPow (01 March 2017)
- I deleted everything from Twitter (10 February 2017)
- Laptop stickers (02 December 2016)
- Private (14 October 2016)
- Firefox and cookies (06 October 2016)
- TPL shills for Google (16 June 2016)
- Firefox privacy—updated (24 June 2015)
- Firefox privacy extensions (27 May 2015)
- Data and Goliath (31 March 2015)
- Measure the Library Freedom (02 February 2015)
- HTTPS and HSTS (05 June 2014)
- Robert Scoble, Richard Stallman, email and privacy (04 June 2014)
- Open letter to the Toronto Public Library about Hoopla and privacy (08 May 2014)
- Don't give up your library card number (09 April 2014)
- A Modest Proposal for a More Efficient Organizational Decision-Making Effectiveness Structure at York University Libraries (12 July 2013)
- Retraction Watch Database entry (04 August 2022)
- Article retraction (02 June 2022)
- Ordering Things (05 March 2018)
- Top Technologies chapter on AR is available (05 June 2014)
- The Top Technologies Every Librarian Should Know (21 May 2014)
- Review of The History of the Library in Western Civilization: From Cassiodorus to Furnival: Classical and Christian Letters, Schools and Libraries in the Monasteries and Universities, Western Book Centres (10 September 2012)
- On Dentographs (03 February 2012)
- Managing the draft of a paper as if it were source code (09 December 2011)
- Usability Testing of VuFind at an Academic Library (14 June 2011)
- News about "How to Make a Faceted Classification and Put It On the Web" (28 February 2011)
- Review of Implementing FRBR in Libraries, by Zhang and Salaba (16 September 2010)
- FRBR and the History of Cataloguing (21 April 2008)
- Double-grepping to solve a crossword puzzle (23 June 2021)
- Art is the imposition of form on experience (18 March 2025)
- Robert Hughes and Marcel Duchamp (04 December 2024)
- Mark Fisher marginalia (31 October 2024)
- X is the Y of Z (16 October 2024)
- Daphne Oram and Francis Bacon (16 October 2024)
- Tree-being-looked-at (10 October 2024)
- Wodehouse quote (07 October 2024)
- Morton Feldman quote (15 September 2024)
- There will always be changes (12 August 2024)
- The Fall of the Sparrow (30 June 2024)
- Bonnie Clearwater quote (10 May 2024)
- Silence is so accurate (15 February 2024)
- Thank you for sharing your thoughts (31 December 2023)
- Duchamp, Cage, Moschen (12 December 2023)
- Marina Abramović's first art lesson (10 December 2023)
- Hiltons (24 October 2023)
- Anthony Powell on getting older (14 September 2023)
- Mick Herron on getting older (14 September 2023)
- Fulsome (29 August 2023)
- Lev Manovich quote (11 June 2023)
- Lee Mack on WILTY (15 April 2023)
- John Steinbeck's advice to Fred Allen (11 April 2023)
- Boléro copyright bollocks (24 March 2023)
- Chips Channon on shelving (22 March 2023)
- Overheard (13 November 2022)
- Bureaucrats (17 October 2022)
- Similar practice described in Powell and Constantine (02 October 2022)
- Mario Balzic and libraries, from The Blank Page (14 September 2022)
- Gores, Hammett and Keeler (02 June 2022)
- Alfred Stieglitz hurts his finger and goes to emergency (21 February 2022)
- Chips Channon's diaries (12 November 2021)
- Overheard: Joan Didion (11 November 2021)
- Might as well be Canadian (08 October 2021)
- Overheard: The next thing (28 September 2021)
- Terry Pratchett on shades of grey (25 August 2020)
- Field recordings are sonic readymades (02 May 2020)
- James Brown on mistakes (12 March 2020)
- William Gibson (05 March 2020)
- Wodehouse on Stout (28 November 2019)
- Delacroix and Marcus (10 June 2019)
- Pliny the Younger and email (12 January 2019)
- Humphries on Powell (06 September 2018)
- Graeber's Bullshit Jobs (14 June 2018)
- Now Wait for Last Year (14 June 2018)
- Robert Hughes on Seneca (23 April 2018)
- Ursula K. Le Guin on H.P. Lovecraft (21 April 2018)
- Theodore Roosevelt on "Nude Descending a Staircase" (21 September 2017)
- A remarkable sentence by Dumas (26 August 2017)
- Delacroix's Journal (20 August 2017)
- Advice from Skeleton Island (16 August 2017)
- Michele Dougherty on not caring what other people think (22 January 2017)
- Trudeau Major (16 January 2017)
- The original ethical data scientists (06 January 2017)
- Hearing Secret Harmonies (02 January 2017)
- 846 (30 November 2016)
- Let's Not Talk of Love and (29 November 2016)
- Trollope (09 November 2016)
- Good (26 October 2016)
- Concurrency (11 October 2016)
- Sunsets (24 September 2016)
- Frank Stella quote (24 September 2016)
- One never likes to be thanked over much for doing anything (11 August 2016)
- Books are unconvertible assets (29 July 2016)
- Diana Athill on reading (04 December 2015)
- Foul, rainy, muddy sloppy morning (12 November 2015)
- He knew the past, which is sometimes much worse (16 September 2015)
- The sandbar (12 December 2014)
- Augustus (08 September 2014)
- Debt (04 August 2014)
- Best quote I've read this year (22 February 2011)
- Paired quotes (25 July 2010)
- Mickey Spillane on computers (14 July 2010)
- James Michener on How to Use a Library (24 January 2010)
- Kurt Vonnegut to Charles Willeford (21 July 2009)
- Ruskin on cameras (30 June 2009)
- "It would perhaps increase my acquaintance, the thing which I chiefly study to decline." (03 May 2009)
- Preach it (08 August 2007)
- Robertson Davies quote (23 June 2005)
- A quick look at Retraction Watch data (09 December 2023)
- xkcd dates (09 July 2023)
- Analyzing the structure of John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme, Series 9 (17 June 2021)
- Charting date ranges in R (30 September 2020)
- Tuesday, March 178th, 2020 (25 August 2020)
- Firefox and Emacs again (25 August 2020)
- Completing zeroes and dates in R charts (16 December 2019)
- Mapping Acid Mothers Temple tours (06 June 2019)
- Mapping the Indian Residential School Locations Dataset (30 May 2019)
- Minimum CO₂ per month at Mauna Loa (21 May 2019)
- Ice out on Stony Lake (22 June 2018)
- Sorting LCC call numbers in R (10 April 2018)
- Columns that are too wide in R ggplot2 charts (22 February 2018)
- Org clocktables II: Summarizing a month (16 November 2017)
- COUNTER data made tidy (15 November 2017)
- Review of Statistics for Library and Information Services (11 November 2017)
- RSS feed analysis (17 March 2017)
- Academic year (22 September 2016)
- Tidy data in Org (30 June 2016)
- Installing R from source (updated) (03 May 2016)
- Installing R from source (23 June 2015)
- Animated intersecting circles (04 January 2015)
- CBC appearances (updated) (29 December 2014)
- Intersecting circles (19 December 2014)
- Prettifying R in Emacs (17 October 2014)
- Anonymous August Wikipedia edits from the House of Commons (02 September 2014)
- Anonymous Wikipedia edits from the House of Commons (18 July 2014)
- CBC appearances (10 July 2014)
- CBC appearances (07 June 2014)
- Better ways of using R on LibStats (3): Fifteen minutes of research support (30 April 2014)
- YUL annual numbers (25 April 2014)
- Better ways of using R on LibStats (2): durations (22 April 2014)
- Better ways of using R on LibStats (1) (22 April 2014)
- Firefox overtook Emacs (15 January 2014)
- Seriation and the kayiwa-yo_bj vortex (24 February 2013)
- One last #c4l13 tweet thing: who mentioned whom? (22 February 2013)
- #c4l13 tweets in R (21 February 2013)
- More #accessyul tweet chart hacks (21 October 2012)
- #accessyul tweets chart (21 October 2012)
- Counting and aggregating in R (24 September 2012)
- When will Firefox overtake Emacs? (13 September 2012)
- Code4Lib North #c4ln tweets (25 May 2012)
- Ref desk 5: Fifteen minutes for under one per cent (11 May 2012)
- Ref desk 4: Calculating hours of interactions (24 April 2012)
- #thatcamp hashtags the Tony Hirst way (21 April 2012)
- Ref desk 3: Comparing question.type across branches (20 April 2012)
- Ref desk 2: Questions asked per week at a branch (19 April 2012)
- Ref Desk 1: LibStats (17 April 2012)
- ARL statistics visualized with R and Google Motion Charts (28 July 2011)
- Canadian library statistics visualized with R and Google Motion Charts (21 July 2011)
- R links (05 May 2011)
- Using R on some ARL statistics (07 April 2011)
- An improved graph (03 April 2011)
- More about declining circulation at York (01 April 2011)
- Initial circs per student (31 January 2011)
- The Great Eastern (04 January 2025)
- BBC Radio 6 Music (15 April 2024)
- The Thirteenth Sound (28 August 2023)
- John Steinbeck's advice to Fred Allen (11 April 2023)
- Quirks and Quarks (01 November 2022)
- Stuart Maconie's Freak Zone (06 June 2022)
- Analyzing the structure of John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme, Series 9 (17 June 2021)
- John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme (28 May 2021)
- CBC Radio's Nero Wolfe series (27 March 2021)
- Best radio comedies (16 March 2021)
- Clean Sweep (16 February 2021)
- CATR Theatre Science (29 July 2020)
- Jell-O (14 December 2019)
- Cabin Pressure (11 October 2019)
- Socrates, by Lister Sinclair (22 August 2017)
- The Frantics (17 April 2017)
- Michele Dougherty on not caring what other people think (22 January 2017)
- Oscar Levant on Information Please (31 May 2016)
- Information Please (16 May 2016)
- Michael Collins on The Great Eastern (02 October 2014)
- The Great Eastern: Introduction to Library Science (01 August 2014)
- The Great Eastern (28 April 2014)
- Pi-hole reinstall (12 February 2022)
- Pi-hole (02 October 2019)
- Getting my Raspberry Pi on a PEAP-MSCHAPv2 wifi network (24 April 2019)
- Clapping Music on Sonic Pi (12 January 2015)
- A quick look at Retraction Watch data (09 December 2023)
- Retraction Watch Database entry (04 August 2022)
- Article retraction (02 June 2022)
- The Notebook (07 October 2024)
- Verified (22 May 2024)
- The Deluge (14 October 2023)
- Going Zero (02 May 2023)
- Children of Men (09 January 2020)
- Sellers and Newel (27 December 2019)
- Homes and haunts (09 January 2019)
- Foolproof (25 April 2018)
- Play It Again (15 March 2018)
- Review of Statistics for Library and Information Services (11 November 2017)
- A Mind at Play (08 September 2017)
- Review: Are Numbers Real? (06 March 2017)
- King Crimson, Queen Elizabeth Theatre, 20 November 2015 (23 August 2016)
- The Idealist (23 February 2016)
- Westlake and Powell (01 December 2015)
- BiblioTech (30 November 2015)
- Book City (15 October 2015)
- OLITA lending library report on BKON beacon (07 September 2015)
- Genius at Play (14 August 2015)
- Barsetshite (23 June 2015)
- Data and Goliath (31 March 2015)
- The best paper I read this year: Polster, Reconfiguring the Academic Dance (04 January 2015)
- Moodie's Tale (03 September 2014)
- Alistair MacLean (23 July 2014)
- Dying Every Day (11 April 2014)
- Review of The History of the Library in Western Civilization: From Cassiodorus to Furnival: Classical and Christian Letters, Schools and Libraries in the Monasteries and Universities, Western Book Centres (10 September 2012)
- George Pelecanos, The Cut (10 December 2011)
- Scott Phillips, The Adjustment (28 August 2011)
- Scott Phillips has a new book: Rut (06 October 2010)
- Review of Implementing FRBR in Libraries, by Zhang and Salaba (16 September 2010)
- Survival of the Fistest (30 July 2009)
- Some Nero Wolfe links (06 July 2021)
- CBC Radio's Nero Wolfe series (27 March 2021)
- More Nero Wolfe (18 January 2021)
- The Nero Wolfe Cookbook (03 November 2020)
- Sellers and Newel (27 December 2019)
- Wodehouse on Stout (28 November 2019)
- Fulsome (29 August 2023)
- Hammett (03 June 2022)
- Gores, Hammett and Keeler (02 June 2022)
- Some Nero Wolfe links (06 July 2021)
- The Money Harvest (17 February 2021)
- Ruby 3.2 problem with Jekyll (02 January 2023)
- Pretty symbols in Ruby in Emacs (29 May 2021)
- RSS feed analysis (17 March 2017)
- I deleted everything from Twitter (10 February 2017)
- Listening to Art volume 8 complete (01 May 2021)
- Gödel Rucker Ajzenstat (07 February 2017)
- Moonrise and moonset (14 May 2023)
- Quirks and Quarks (01 November 2022)
- The Feynman Lectures (15 September 2013)
- HTTP header security tweaks (24 July 2024)
- KeePassXC (17 December 2021)
- Sherlock Holmes movie stills (02 February 2022)
- The House of Fear (25 January 2022)
- The Pearl of Death (24 January 2022)
- Miles Mander (23 January 2022)
- A decade of CPPCAPLA (02 July 2020)
- Navigating the Reorganization (26 October 2019)
- Bargaining Parity for Librarians and Archivists (04 January 2019)
- CUPE 3903 strike over (25 July 2018)
- CUPE 3903 strike (06 March 2018)
- Laurentian strike (03 October 2017)
- Sonic Pi Vexations (04 March 2021)
- STAPLR is back up (29 September 2019)
- STAPLR is down (18 September 2019)
- Phasers on Satie (12 March 2019)
- The Wobblies on STAPLR (04 February 2019)
- Passing blocks to a thread in Sonic Pi (14 March 2016)
- STAPLR DisPerSion (02 February 2016)
- STAPLR (11 January 2016)
- Music, Code and Data: Hackfest and Happening at Access 2015 (18 August 2015)
- Disquiet Junto 0163 (14 February 2015)
- Steve Reich phase pieces with Sonic Pi (27 January 2015)
- Clapping Music on Sonic Pi (12 January 2015)
- STAPLR on hiatus (02 May 2024)
- The Wobblies on STAPLR (04 February 2019)
- Anthropocene librarianship comes in many forms. One is the making of art. (17 November 2016)
- GHG.EARTH (16 August 2016)
- Scott Hughes on Data Stories, LIGO sonification (17 July 2016)
- STAPLR DisPerSion (02 February 2016)
- STAPLR (11 January 2016)
- Music, Code and Data: Hackfest and Happening at Access 2015 (18 August 2015)
- Interest rates and climate change as music (04 June 2015)
- May I Borrow a Stapler? (22 September 2021)
- The Triple Staple (12 February 2016)
- STAPLR (11 January 2016)
- Ethics codes at the Library and Archives Stapler of Canada (19 March 2013)
- STAPLR on hiatus (02 May 2024)
- Vexation After Vexation (23 February 2021)
- STAPLR is back up (29 September 2019)
- STAPLR is down (18 September 2019)
- Phasers on Satie (12 March 2019)
- The Wobblies on STAPLR (04 February 2019)
- STAPLR unjammed (30 August 2018)
- STAPLR jammed (28 August 2018)
- STAPLR DisPerSion (02 February 2016)
- STAPLR (11 January 2016)
- The Notebook (07 October 2024)
- QR codes in Filofax inserts (26 June 2024)
- Take Note (20 February 2021)
- Currently inked (29 January 2020)
- Sixteen years of Filofax (04 January 2020)
- Currently inked (21 November 2019)
- Sheaffer Snorkel Admiral (29 October 2019)
- Restored Esterbrook (10 March 2019)
- My Pen Addict question (17 February 2019)
- Currently inked (27 January 2019)
- Parker Duofold Junior (28 October 2018)
- Papers and inks (02 August 2017)
- No librarian or archivist should vote Conservative in the Canadian election (16 October 2015)
- Census data matters (21 July 2010)
- Stoicism and COVID-19 (18 March 2020)
- Delacroix and Marcus (10 June 2019)
- Massimo Pigliucci Stoic Meditations (19 June 2018)
- Robert Hughes on Seneca (23 April 2018)
- Stoicon (18 October 2017)
- Trollope (09 November 2016)
- Cato in fiction (11 February 2016)
- Dying Every Day (11 April 2014)
- Meditations 7.61 (27 January 2010)
- Stoic podcasts and interviews (15 May 2009)
- Stony Lake Sounds (01 October 2021)
- Kawartha Land Trust Stony Lake Trails in OpenStreetMap (09 May 2020)
- Radio Aporee Maps (04 July 2019)
- Ice out on Stony Lake (22 June 2018)
- GHG.EARTH at LAAC17 (25 May 2017)
- Anthropocene librarianship comes in many forms. One is the making of art. (17 November 2016)
- Stuff, Standards and Sites (14 April 2014)
- Digital Oydyssey talk: On Dentographs (07 June 2013)
- Divisiveness, Communication Failure, and Boundary Wars as Tragicomedy (10 July 2011)
- After Launching Search and Discovery, Who Is Mission Control? (19 October 2010)
- After Launching Search and Discovery, Who Is Mission Control? (20 September 2010)
- At Their Fingertips (22 June 2009)
- Video of What We Talk About When We Talk About FRBR (22 May 2009)
- One Big Library talk at OLA (31 January 2009)
- Library Geeks chat with Dan Chudnov (07 November 2006)
- Ned Beauman and the books in his life (07 March 2023)
- Terry Pratchett biographies (03 February 2023)
- GNU Terry Prachett (12 March 2021)
- Terry Pratchett biography (21 January 2021)
- Desert Island Discworld (13 November 2020)
- The House on the Borderland (23 October 2020)
- Terry Pratchett on shades of grey (25 August 2020)
- In C on Bandcamp (07 January 2025)
- Teambuilding in the Time of Covid-19: A Zoom Play (27 July 2021)
- Cage (24 March 2017)
- 846 (30 November 2016)
- STAPLR DisPerSion (02 February 2016)
- The Norman Conquests (04 March 2014)
- Manuscript found in a Pinter play (05 May 2013)
- Einstein on the Beach (10 June 2012)
- Mamet and Costello (24 January 2012)
- Divisiveness, Communication Failure, and Boundary Wars as Tragicomedy (10 July 2011)
- Best Library Conference Talks of the Year 2011, with Steve Buscemi and Kate Winslet (17 May 2011)
- After Launching Search and Discovery, Who Is Mission Control? (19 October 2010)
- CATR Theatre Science (29 July 2020)
- Theatre Science (20 February 2020)
- Theatre Science (06 February 2020)
- Upgrading my Tor bridges (11 April 2024)
- How I set up a Tor bridge (07 April 2024)
- Forbidden (05 September 2023)
- NFT = G☺d / Jesus Guggenheim (09 August 2022)
- Mary John's Coffee Shop (07 March 2022)
- Listen Up (20 April 2020)
- Judge Frank Denton and the Brown's drug store case (16 March 2020)
- Unforgotten Wikipedia (29 April 2023)
- Lee Mack on WILTY (15 April 2023)
- Its McDonald & Dodds (24 February 2023)
- Jerry Lewis Live on the Champs Elysees (25 October 2021)
- Ubuntu 24.04 upgrade broke GNOME and now I run KDE and love it (13 February 2025)
- Using Llama 3 for scripting help with curl and long podcast URLs (10 July 2024)
- Specifying dates (09 January 2024)
- Making nmap work after installing with snap (21 November 2023)
- fd (05 November 2023)
- Commands I use (21 February 2023)
- Date (12 January 2022)
- Disabling the Zoom miniwindow (07 January 2022)
- Custom GNOME launchers (26 September 2021)
- Double-grepping to solve a crossword puzzle (23 June 2021)
- Compose key (31 March 2021)
- less is more with a better .lessfilter (24 June 2020)
- Backups and encrypting disks in Linux (24 May 2020)
- Ripping DVDs with ffmpeg (12 May 2020)
- STAPLR is down (18 September 2019)
- Mount an Android phone on Linux/Unix with sshfs (05 July 2019)
- Getting my Raspberry Pi on a PEAP-MSCHAPv2 wifi network (24 April 2019)
- Ubuntu upgrade to 18.04 (06 July 2018)
- Let's Encrypt (04 April 2018)
- Per cent signs in crontabs (10 March 2017)
- Command line column sum (27 February 2017)
- Minty fresh (14 August 2015)
- Linux on POS (15 June 2015)
- Setting up Sonic Pi on Ubuntu, with Emacs (17 January 2015)
- HTTPS and HSTS (05 June 2014)
- Ubuntu 14.04 and grub (19 April 2014)
- Three odd warnings (15 August 2013)
- Root window (04 March 2013)
- How I set up a virtual server at VPSVille (12 January 2012)
- How I recovered a lost partition (31 August 2010)
- How I put Ubuntu Netbook-Remix on my Eee (27 September 2009)
- convmv solves rsync encoding problem (18 September 2009)
- Four ways of using Amazon S3 (27 June 2009)
- Backing up multiple MySQL databases when only one [client] section is allowed (01 April 2009)
- gnome-terminal (09 December 2008)
- Uses Emacs (11 June 2014)
- I uses this (10 January 2013)
- I uses this (12 May 2010)
- How I put Ubuntu Netbook-Remix on my Eee (27 September 2009)
- Eee (01 December 2008)
- Stickers from AnneArchy (21 November 2024)
- Thirty years (15 March 2024)
- Cirrus Hosting outage ends on third day (22 December 2023)
- Don't use Cirrus Hosting (20 December 2023)
- Robin Sloan fiddling (09 January 2023)
- Dinosaurs and humans (12 November 2022)
- Aggressor (21 February 2022)
- Nous (21 September 2021)
- Remember him? Well, he died (17 July 2021)
- What is my user agent? (11 February 2021)
- TekSavvy (24 August 2020)
- Humans and dinosaurs (16 May 2020)
- Niagara Falls (01 May 2020)
- Interac autodeposit (01 April 2020)
- RMS (24 February 2020)
- Shredder (04 January 2020)
- Tin trunk (02 November 2019)
- Further to the last post (28 October 2019)
- Posting (15 October 2019)
- Honey (27 June 2019)
- Room X (27 May 2019)
- Fulsome (17 September 2018)
- Inspirational quote (03 August 2018)
- A mysterious event earlier today (26 November 2017)
- Belly of the Beast kombucha (04 September 2017)
- Presto (20 August 2017)
- Tasteful Corn on the Cob (30 April 2017)
- Unconventional Perogies (20 April 2017)
- Show notes (29 March 2017)
- Yardstick Covers (05 March 2017)
- Collaboration is not causation (27 June 2016)
- Do not insert non-US foreign coins, damaged coins, bent coins, dirty coins, commemorative coins, tokens, Eisenhower silver dollars or 1943 US pennies (13 May 2016)
- Geologist and Radical (03 October 2015)
- MIME type (26 August 2015)
- Unreasonably, Ridiculously Long (14 August 2015)
- Jesus, to his credit (10 August 2015)
- Spectacles and standards (14 June 2015)
- Bakewell West Scales (22 December 2014)
- Will Self Q&A (12 August 2014)
- I closed my LinkedIn account (07 September 2013)
- Rogers roaming data charges (03 March 2013)
- Hope that answers your question (27 June 2012)
- Bill 'n' Bertie (31 January 2012)
- Last names (13 January 2012)
- 20 git commit messages (09 September 2011)
- Jack Layton's face (30 April 2011)
- How many librarians does it take to change a lightbulb? (05 February 2011)
- overflow: hidden for IE 7 (25 August 2010)
- Andrew Kines and I talk about LOTR (04 April 2010)
- Updating OpenStreetMap on my daily walks (08 April 2020)
- HTTP header security tweaks (24 July 2024)
- David Golumbia on Wikipedia (23 March 2025)
- Verified (22 May 2024)
- Molly White, Become a Wikipedian in 30 Minutes (29 February 2024)
- Elisabeth Russell Taylor (26 September 2023)
- Unforgotten Wikipedia (29 April 2023)
- James Atlee Phillips (10 March 2021)
- Wikipedia eyes (14 October 2018)
- Joan Bodger (24 July 2018)
- Anonymous August Wikipedia edits from the House of Commons (02 September 2014)
- Anonymous July Wikipedia edits from the House of Commons (03 August 2014)
- Anonymous Wikipedia edits from the House of Commons (18 July 2014)
- Clover Roads Organic Farm (10 July 2020)
- Monforte Dairy (18 May 2020)
- Motherdough (02 May 2020)
- More Alchemy Pickle (25 April 2020)
- Alchemy Pickle Company (18 April 2020)
- Clover Roads Organic Farm (10 April 2020)
- ChocoSol (04 April 2020)
- Countdown Canada (18 March 2025)
- From the departmental minutes (03 March 2025)
- J;ajsdf;ajdf;sjdaf;kjsdaf;kj af;sd jksd;f jsda;jlf sda;f s;adfj sda;jf dsa;fjj dsaj;f as;jf sadf (10 May 2024)
- LaTeX template for continuing appointment and tenure files (04 December 2023)
- York centralizes control over social media presences (16 November 2023)
- Digital Engagement Librarian position at York University Libraries (06 March 2023)
- Scholarly Communications and Metrics Librarian posting extended (24 January 2023)
- Scholarly Communications and Metrics Librarian position at York University (13 December 2022)
- Indigenous teaching and learning librarian position at York University Libraries (30 November 2021)
- Teambuilding in the Time of Covid-19: A Zoom Play (27 July 2021)
- Media collections librarian job open at York University (07 July 2021)
- YFile feature on Tim Knight (20 May 2021)
- A decade of CPPCAPLA (02 July 2020)
- Freedom of information request for York University eresource costs completed (08 June 2020)
- The libraries are closed (17 March 2020)
- York University Libraries Ambiences (16 March 2020)
- The libraries remain open (15 March 2020)
- Associate dean job open at York University (05 December 2019)
- Mapping the Indian Residential School Locations Dataset (30 May 2019)
- Library eresource vendor policies (01 May 2019)
- Getting my Raspberry Pi on a PEAP-MSCHAPv2 wifi network (24 April 2019)
- Freedom of information appeal for York University eresource costs successful (14 March 2019)
- Wanted: Media archivist at York (07 February 2019)
- I dropped my FIPPA appeal over York chair-to-chair letter (26 September 2018)
- Freedom of information request for York University eresource costs denied (22 August 2018)
- CUPE 3903 strike over (25 July 2018)
- Interviewing at York University Libraries (16 July 2018)
- Phone 404 (11 July 2018)
- Letters from the chair of the Board of Governors to the chair of Senate (19 May 2018)
- BOG no (01 May 2018)
- Research data management librarian job posting at York University (14 March 2018)
- CUPE 3903 strike (06 March 2018)
- Ordering Things (05 March 2018)
- Guards! Guards! (28 February 2018)
- Yesterday's Slow Scholarship Reading Group article (09 February 2018)
- Org clocktables II: Summarizing a month (16 November 2017)
- Org clocktables I: The daily structure (06 November 2017)
- York U job: head of science library / physical sciences librarian (25 April 2017)
- Politics in the Library (19 January 2017)
- Laptop stickers (02 December 2016)
- Anthropocene librarianship comes in many forms. One is the making of art. (17 November 2016)
- My job description (26 October 2016)
- The Triple Staple (12 February 2016)
- STAPLR DisPerSion (02 February 2016)
- Moderate Dinginess (10 November 2015)
- A Catalogue of Cuts (06 September 2015)
- Data meeting (27 May 2015)
- Click here to scab (23 March 2015)
- The best paper I read this year: Polster, Reconfiguring the Academic Dance (04 January 2015)
- One-year contract position, web librarian/science librarian, at York University in Toronto (16 April 2013)
- Digital humanities librarian position at York University Libraries (28 March 2011)
- Business librarian position (tenure-track) open at York University (01 March 2011)
- KF Modified (03 December 2009)
- York University Open Access Policy for Librarians and Archivists (13 October 2009)
- Kosavic, The York Digital Journals Project: Strategies for Institutional Open Journal Systems Implementations (19 September 2009)
- Sit in the W.P. Scott Chair in E-Librarianship (14 July 2009)
- Zotero's Library Lookup list (12 February 2025)
- How to install Zotero 7 on Windows (14 January 2025)
- Books and chapters in Zotero (29 October 2024)
- Basic citations in Org (Part 5) (22 January 2024)
- Basic citations in Org (Part 4) (17 January 2024)
- Basic citations in Org (Part 1) (08 January 2024)