Nigella Lawson likes anchovies. In Cook, Eat, Repeat she has an “anchovy elixir” recipe, and she uses it as a base in a lot of things when she starts with oil in a pan: chop up a couple of anchovies and throw them in until they sort of melt, before you add onions and such, and they add a nice base to the flavour. (See all the recipes with anchovies in them on her site.)
I tried it and it really works, and now it’s a regular part of my cooking. For a while I got Allessia anchovy fillets (imported from Italy) that come in a little jar. Recently I picked up another brand, Club des Millionnaires (from Spain), but it was a while before I noticed what was on the cardboard package around the tin.

Fish she is very small.
The story on the company’s web site says the slogan comes from something someone said to the president.
Fish she is very small.