I’ve started a new project: Listening to Art. Twice a month I will post field recordings of visual art.

The first two issues are up:
- 01.01: Marcel Duchamp, In Advance of the Broken Arm (recorded at the National Gallery of Canada, in Ottawa)
- 01.02: Marcel Duchamp, In Advance of the Broken Arm (recorded at the Museum of Modern Art, in New York City)
The next two issues (01.03 on 13 June and 01.04 on 01 July) are devoted to related paintings by Vincent van Gogh. Issues 01.05–01.08 will be of works by the same artist and will appear in July and August.
The issues are available as podcast feeds as medium-quality MP3s or high quality FLAC files. I’ve tested them in different platforms with different podcast aggregators, and they should work everywhere, but if not, please let me know.
I conceived the project last year and started making the field recordings last summer, but wasn’t sure how to manage and release it until listening to 25 Minutes of Silence gave me the idea of doing things one by one in podcast form. For that I thank Joey Clift.