I ran an ad for Listening to Art in the September 2020 issue of one of my favourite magazines: The Wire.

I got the idea while reading Duchamp Is My Lawyer: The Polemics, Pragmatics, and Poetics of UbuWeb by Kenneth Goldsmith, who runs UbuWeb. He mentions the advertisement that Lynda Benglis ran in Artforum in November 1974. She ran it so she could have control of the image, and get something into the magazine that they didn’t want to run as editorial content. What I’m doing is utterly different, but the idea of running an advertisement got me thinking.
The advertising rates at The Wire say a “sixteenth page” (imagine dividing the page up into a four-by-four grid—this is one rectangle, 51.25 mm wide by 62 mm high) is £75 for full colour. I did one up and sent it in and things got underway. Before it went to print the advertising contact said there was a chance they could bump it up to a quarter-page ad at no extra charge! To my great fortune, that’s how it ended up.