A couple of weeks ago, before the new confused lockdown guidelines were announced for Ontario, I went down to Sellers and Newel to pick up some more Nero Wolfe mysteries that Peter Sellers had rustled up.

- Too Many Women (1947)
- Three Men Out (1954, three novellas from 1952 and 1953)
- Might As Well Be Dead (1956)
- The Mother Hunt (1963)
- Trio for Blunt Instruments (1964, three novellas from 1961, 1963 and 1964)
- The Doorbell Rang (1965)
The Doorbell Rang is the one where Wolfe takes on the FBI. I’ve read them all before, but those were library copies. They’re all great, I’m going to want to reread them multiple times, and I want them in my permament collection.