Mr. Lodge’s personal library appears in the Archie comics story “The Chess Master,” which I read in Betty and Veronica (Jumbo Comics) Double Digest 272 (June 2019). Mr. Lodge having chess game number 305 with his old chess friend Mr. Bishop, who in good Archie comics fashion appears only once to fulfill a narrative need. They’re even at 152 games each and this is the big tie-breaker. Of course Archie messes it up.

I don’t think the board layout makes sense as a real game.
“The Chess Master” first appeared in Everything’s Archie 113 (January 1988). It was written by Jim Ruth, pencilled by Nate Butler, inked by Jon D’Agostino and lettered by Bill Yoshida. No colourist is listed, but the Grand Comics Database says it was Barry Grossman.