Re: RARA-AVIS: Blonde Lightning

From: Stephen Burridge (
Date: 08 Jul 2007

I read "Blonde Lightning" a few months ago and liked it a lot as well.

I thought the way the main character was affected by the crimes he became involved in was very well done, and the Hollywood insider stuff was fascinating.

Stephen Burridge

On 7/8/07, Michael Robison <> wrote:
> Mario wrote:
> Well, noir isn´t dead.
> ************
> I wholeheartedly agree. There seems to be an idea
> floating around that because of the time spread
> between now and the origins of noir, that whatever
> comes out now must be some hybrid of original noir. I
> don't buy that.
> Terrill Lankford's Shooters is a good example of pure
> noir written in contemporary times. It is a fantastic
> book. Intense with a solid protagonist. It balances
> depth and entertainment, something that a shallow guy
> like me might otherwise tend to see as mutually
> exclusive.
> I just finished Blonde Lightning and loved it too.
> Not quite the same level of desperation as in
> Shooters, but sharp and intelligent and witty (laugh
> out loud funny without descending to stupid like
> Hiaasen). It is a fine book. The description of the
> mechanics of Hollywood low-budget movies was great.
> My only regret is that I didn't read Earthquake
> Weather first. I've got it but didn't realize until
> too late that Blonde Lightning comes after it.
> And Terrill, I'm dying to know who Scott Hewitt was
> modelled on. Can you tell without going to court over
> the answer?
> miker
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