RARA-AVIS: Blonde Lightning

From: Michael Robison ( miker_zspider@yahoo.com)
Date: 08 Jul 2007

Mario wrote:

Well, noir isn´t dead.

************ I wholeheartedly agree. There seems to be an idea floating around that because of the time spread between now and the origins of noir, that whatever comes out now must be some hybrid of original noir. I don't buy that.

Terrill Lankford's Shooters is a good example of pure noir written in contemporary times. It is a fantastic book. Intense with a solid protagonist. It balances depth and entertainment, something that a shallow guy like me might otherwise tend to see as mutually exclusive.

I just finished Blonde Lightning and loved it too. Not quite the same level of desperation as in Shooters, but sharp and intelligent and witty (laugh out loud funny without descending to stupid like Hiaasen). It is a fine book. The description of the mechanics of Hollywood low-budget movies was great. My only regret is that I didn't read Earthquake Weather first. I've got it but didn't realize until too late that Blonde Lightning comes after it.

And Terrill, I'm dying to know who Scott Hewitt was modelled on. Can you tell without going to court over the answer?


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