RE: RARA-AVIS: THE DAIN CURSE dramatized: Doherty

From: Todd Mason (
Date: 15 May 2002

Ha. Well, this was from memory, though the institutional memory here doesn't cite the original delivery system and seems to imply that it was originally four hours long...which both the mildly informative IMDb listing and your citation on THRILLING DETECTIVE would disagree with. Oh, well.

It simply struck me as dull, though it was well-cast in terms of talent, if not necessarily in terms of faithfulness to the source material. TM

-----Original Message----- From: JIM DOHERTY [mailto:] Incidentally, it was in three parts, not two, and it was originally broadcast on CBS, not in syndication. I'm rather surprised Todd found it unengaging. I really enjoyed it. Aside from changing the setting
(Baltimore instead of San Francisco), naming the Op, and changing the name of the agency (from the Continental to the Dickinson, which may have been an inside joke referring to former Pinkerton op Charlie Siringo), it was quite faithful to the novel, and I thought the mini-series format served the episodic plot well.

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