Re: RARA-AVIS: A Feast of Snakes

From: Buzz (
Date: 24 Apr 2002

It's been a while since I've read any Crews, but I don't remember Scar Lover as being one of his stronger efforts. I'd opt for "Car" about a guy paid to eat a car piece by piece and "The Knockout Artist" about a fighter who has the unique skill of being able to knock himself out.


I'm particularly happy
> because I was giving SCAR LOVER some serious consideration when I saw it
> marked down to about $20AUS in a bookstore in town only a few days ago.
> So any opinions on this opus from the rara-avis Wiseguys? It'll be a
> while before I get to it - should it be at the top of
> Mt To-be-read?
> Rene

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