Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: Shame the Devil/Sacred Cows

From: Thomas Bauduret (
Date: 11 Mar 2002

> Isn't that Randall Jarrell's definition of a novel? "A long prose
> narrative that had something wrong with it."

I guess I'd rather have an unperfect novel/movie/whatever with incredible moments than a "perfect" one which is dreadfully soul-lessÅ 
> I'm guilty of the "What a crap writer" accusations, too. And it's
> fine except when someone else says it about someone I like. I know
> that's completely and awfully unfair. So what? Makes life fun.
Indeed. On another list, we have Mary Higgins Clark as our favourite target.
(And we chose a big oneÅ ) On a music list, we like to pick on Limp Bizkit
(Eminently pickable if you ask me !), and another band on another list.

Though I don't like it when people dismiss stuff by young writers, especially in writing.They are more vulnerable, and hey, everybody has to start somewhere !


Jon - Why does she always puts me down ? Garfield ‹ you're so putdownable.

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