le 11/03/02 0:19, Pat Zeitoun à ¼A
a 飲it :
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Thomas Bauduret" <
> "Nope, not this one, but I always thought his prose,
though interesting and
> well-written, to be a bit meandering, with plots
that drifts in any
> direction available. Though he is a very nice guy.
He's highly revered
> around hereS"
> Thomas I adore the way Crumley writes ... I'll go so
far out as to say its
I don't know, but he seems anchored in noir fictionÅ Besides,
I guess it's better not to open this peculiar can of worms of
"What is Literature and what is genre" ! :)
"Le ciné¡ de B à š"Å
Any Other Solutions : Nick Cave, :Wumpscut:, Elysian Fields,
Depeche Mode, The Cure, Jack The Ripper, Sparklehorse, Deine
Lakaien,Peter Gabriel, The Sisters of Mercy, VNV Nation, Icon
of Coil, Das Ich, Radiohead, Assemblage 23, CopenhagenÅ
"Je ne peux m'emp꣨er de trembler alors que la lame du scalpel
descend lentement vers ma gorgeÅ " Ne m'enterrez pas trop
vite, un roman noir de Patrick Eris Disponible chez http://www.edibook.com/
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