le 11/03/02 2:22, Carrie Pruett à ¼A
a 飲it :
> From: Thomas Bauduret <
>> Nope, not this one, but I always thought his
prose, though interesting >and
>> well-written, to be a bit meandering, with plots
that drifts in any
>> direction available.
> I've only read "the last good kiss," and I don't
know how representative
> that is, but I found this to be an exceptionally
well-plotted book. I've
> heard similar criticisms of the plotting and I
actually think it's a tribute
> to Crumley's skill. The book feels "meandering" and
somewhat random, which
> is completely appropriate IMO to the narrator's
mentality and lifestyle, so
> that it's only on looking back that the underlying
structure is apparent.
Might be. I read it quite fast before an interview, so maybe
it was not the best conditions !
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