This answers the remaining questions posed by Manuel
In Cuba, the bulk of crime fiction deals with espionage.
Ruthless counterrevolutionaries who plot the assassination of
national leaders, drink, smoke and cheat on their wives, are
neutralized by intelligent, bright and kind-hearted
revolutionaries who don't touch the stuff, have quit smoking
or are cutting down fast, and love their spouses so much they
don't even glance at gorgeous women. But we also have some
good novels, of which I will mention two in the next
Concerning Latin American crime fiction, I recommend reading
the works of Rubem Fonseca (Brazil, "High Art" translated
from Portuguese, NY, 1986), Mario Vargas Llosa (Peru, "Who
killed Palomino Molero?" translated from Spanish, NY, 1987,
and "Death in The Andes" NY 1996), Alejo Carpentier
(Cuba, "The Chase" translated from Spanish, NY 1989) and Paco
Ignacio Taibo II (Mexican, "The Shadow of the Shadow"
translated from Spanish, NY 1991).
If you read Spanish, try Rolo Diez (Argentinian living
in Mexico, "Luna de Escarlata"), Leonardo Padura (Cuba,
"Vientos de Cuaresma") and Daniel Chavarria (Uruguayan living
in Cuba, "La Sexta Isla").
On Elliot Steil's (the main character of my novel "Outcast")
major personality shift. Perhaps this reflects what I would
do should someone try to kill me and fail. I would go after
the sob with all I got. Simple as that. Retribution is a
human trait only saints lack. I'm no saint.
Since yesterday I was rather long-winded, today I'm
keeping it short.
José atour
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