Since Jose Latour graciously has agreed to be on this list
for a few weeks, I'm going to take this opportunity to ask
him several questions about crime fiction in Cuba.
Jose, your book "Outcast" was so well received in the US that
I assume there will be another one soon. Is that right? How
about your previous books, any chance that they will be
published in English? Are they similar to "Outcast" in
characters or setting? Are they as hard-boiled and tough as
"Outcast"? Is there much of a "tradition" or history of
hard-boiled writing in Cuba? Which Cuban or Latin American
authors who write in this genre do you recommend?
In "Outcast," a major shift in your character Elliot Steil
occurs when he makes it to the US. In fact, he turns from
naive teacher to cold, calculating criminal. The notion that
a victim, during the process of surviving, can become as hard
as anyone who took advantage of him is an idea that many on
this discussion list probably would appreciate, at least in
their reading. Does that idea appear in your other
Manuel Ramos
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