Chandler's "estate"? Who's Chandler's estate? One of his mistresses grandchildren? What the hell would they know about the "proper representation" of Phillip Marlow?
Patrick King
--- On Thu, 9/16/10, Eric Chambers <> wrote:
From: Eric Chambers <>
Subject: RARA-AVIS: The Long Goodbye
Date: Thursday, September 16, 2010, 4:38 AM
"Kevin Burton Smith" wrote:-
"And they gripe about Altman's film being unfaithful to the character."
Can I please contribute this interview with Elliot Gould to this perennial debate?
note this quote:-
"The Chandler estate is supporting it. Because I played Marlowe once, I have their approval to play him again. They regard The Long Goodbye as the only film that properly represents Chandler, aside from the original films with Humphrey Bogart."
Is this correct?
Let the posts begin!
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