Roy Hoopes' bio on Cain goes extensively into his process. It's a comprehensive biography in all regards. Chandler's own, The Simple Art of Murder and the other writing criticisms at the end of the second Library of Americas collection of his work are helpful. So is Judith Freeman's The Long Embrace for extensive analysis of how Chandler worked and how much he drank when he did. As I recall, Lillian Hellman has very useful reports on how Hammett worked. I believe she says he re-wrote Little Foxes for her which got it produced. I can't recall which of her works tells that story, though. I'm sure someone else will.
Patrick King
--- On Wed, 9/15/10, Matt Racicot <> wrote:
From: Matt Racicot <>
Subject: RARA-AVIS: Dash Hammett et al.
Date: Wednesday, September 15, 2010, 8:58 AM
Hey gang, I'm looking for the skinny (couldn't help it;) on biographies (Dash, Cain, Chandler) revealing each writers' process.
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