Have you read the earlier Jack O'Connell novels? If you liked Resurrectionist, I guarantee you will like all of them.
I was also blown away by Things They Carried. I'd also recommend O'Brien's Going After Cacciato, though it is a bit more magic realism than Things.
I must admit I'm not a huge fan of Lansdale's Drive-In. Read the first and it didn't do a whole lot for me, though I really like his crime novels.
> To:
> From:
> Date: Wed, 12 May 2010 08:58:44 -0700
> Subject: RARA-AVIS: recent and upcoming reads and acquisitions
> i just finished vachss' 'getaway man' and it was solid as many here have said.
> previously i read thornburg's 'to die in california' and quite liked it. more than 'eve's men' tho less (inevitably) than 'cutter and bone'
> i forget if i posted since i read tim o'brien's 'things they carried' but that was powerful and worth all the acclaim.
> also 'the resurrectionist' by jack o'connell was very good.
> read my first manchette, the prone gunman, and was impressed enough to want to read the others that have been translated into english.
> i'm waiting on some new books from the library: charlie huston, dave z., duane swierczynski.
> i won 'delta blues', a short story anthology put out by Tyrus, from the rapsheet blog site. and i broke down and actually bought joe lansdale's new 'drive-in' omnibus with all 3 books in one.
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