RARA-AVIS: recent and upcoming reads and acquisitions

From: sonny (sforstater@yahoo.com)
Date: 12 May 2010

  • Next message: Mark Sullivan: "RE: RARA-AVIS: recent and upcoming reads and acquisitions"

    i just finished vachss' 'getaway man' and it was solid as many here have said.

    previously i read thornburg's 'to die in california' and quite liked it. more than 'eve's men' tho less (inevitably) than 'cutter and bone'

    i forget if i posted since i read tim o'brien's 'things they carried' but that was powerful and worth all the acclaim.

    also 'the resurrectionist' by jack o'connell was very good.

    read my first manchette, the prone gunman, and was impressed enough to want to read the others that have been translated into english.

    i'm waiting on some new books from the library: charlie huston, dave z., duane swierczynski.

    i won 'delta blues', a short story anthology put out by Tyrus, from the rapsheet blog site. and i broke down and actually bought joe lansdale's new 'drive-in' omnibus with all 3 books in one.

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