I just finished "Dust Devils" by James Reasoner. Wow, what a terrific read. The first chapter or two I thought it was going to be something like a Simenon roman dur, as it reminded me of the beginning of "The Widow", but then a guy comes through a door with a gun and it turns into something else entirely. The rest of the way it has flavors that reminded me of some of my faves. The freudian relationship between the two lovers on the run was Jim Thompson-ish, the caper action in the middle stands with the best of Richard Stark, and the Texas setting and determined nihilism of some of the characters reminded me of "No Country for Old Men". Really good stuff. This guy can write, and I wish he'd do more in 'our' genre.
On a lighter note, for my birthday my wife gave me "The Telephone Booth Indian" by AJ Liebling. I read the first few pages this morning and I'm loving it.
Tom Armstrong
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