"The Diamond Bikini" has that Uncle Sagamore character in it doesn't it? High camp hillbilly hardboiled trash - there couldn't really be anything more right up my alley than that. That book is one nutty time capsule, that's for sure.
Tom Armstrong
--- In rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, "jacquesdebierue" <jacquesdebierue@...> wrote:
> I have continued rereading books that I had a good memory of, and in some cases, no memory at all.
> Charles Williams, The Diamond Bikini. Terrific comic hardboiled story written in Southern. Williams strikes me as one of the very top hardboiled and noir writers in history. Every book convinces me more of this.
> Elmore Leonard: Unknown Man No. 89, the three Stick novels, 52 Pickup -- some of his best work, tough, funny, realistic and... cool. Leonard is the coolest of the hardboiled writers.
> Several Dortmunders... what can I say? Westlake was a genius.
> I am still planning to get to Lionel White... but the road is paved with temptation. For example, several Whittingtons!
> Peace to all,
> mrt
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