RARA-AVIS: Re: kindle query

From: K. Elisabeth Johnson (prosperena@yahoo.com)
Date: 05 Nov 2009

  • Next message: Joy Matkowski: "Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: kindle query"

    I'm not saying women (anywhere, everywhere) "wouldn't get into it." In fact, it is probably women users who will drive the continuing improvements to e-readers, whereas their initial users/adherents were mostly male. Women consumers tend to be less-inclined to tolerate complicated, less-than-easy to use devices and style and aesthetics tend to play a greater role in their choices (at least according to auto and appliance manufacturers).

    My first thought was that the e-reader was initially just another "cool factor" gadget designed for men/boys who can't get enough gadgets.

    In the end, the e-reader is simply another "repurposing" product developed with the intention of making even more money out of some pre-existing product (especially enticing to e-reader manufacturers who didn't pay anything to develop the printed product the e-reader is intended to replace) and marketed to consumers as a "must have" device.


    > Why women wouldnšt get into it...in 09šs western society anywhere...from
    > Finland to Singapore...from Montevideo to Kazan...
    > I would contend that they would get into it faster than men in fact...with
    > less inhibitions...
    > Montois

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