Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: kindle query

From: Steve Novak (
Date: 05 Nov 2009

  • Next message: K. Elisabeth Johnson: "RARA-AVIS: Re: kindle query"

    There are 53-57 y.o women literature, anthropology and French professors at major Uąs in the US (spread around the land) who have switched as a supplement to their Śnormalą paper-book read (plane/travel/coffee shop/rest in the hamac...) ...that is my only genuine, authentic info...but I bet that other Avians have other tales too...
    ...and these women have students... Why women wouldnąt get into 09ąs western society anywhere...from Finland to Singapore...from Montevideo to Kazan... I would contend that they would get into it faster than men in fact...with less inhibitions...


    On 11/5/09 8:02 PM, "K. Elisabeth Johnson" <> wrote:
    > Yes, I think e-readers' convenience and light weight would make them ideal for
    > travel but in that capacity they are still complementary, supplementary to
    > books. The idea raised by several respondents here that the e-reader could
    > replace most books entirely is disturbing for both reader and author.
    > Do you think these 40-70 -something women would want to switch entirely to an
    > e-reader?
    > Kari
    > --- In <> ,
    > Mark Sullivan <DJ-Anonyme@...> wrote:
    >> >
    >> >
    >> > My brother's wife (in her 40s) and her mother (in her late 60s or 70s),
    >> both of whom read a lot, have been talking about wanting a Kindle since the
    >> last upgrade. They've tried them in demos and think they will be extremely
    >> convenient for traveling.

    [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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