Dave wrote:
"While I enjoy almost any well-written noir, the books that I've written that critics have categorized as noir tend to fall squarely in the "fall from grace" category. Fast Lane, for example, follows a protagonists stumble into the abyss, . . ."
Really? Guess I can't really argue with the author, but that wasn't how I took that book. I would definitely group Fast Lane with Thompson's Kill Inside Me and, especially, Pop 1280 (which is a big compliment, by the way).
Instead of falling from grace, I saw Johnny Lane as an unreliable narrator who eventually stopped trying to fool the reader, but never really saw him as fooling himself, in much the same way I took Nick Corey in Pop 1280.
Now Small Crimes was different -- Joe Denton was kidding himself, but not the reader, who saw his impending descent very clearly in that seeming slow motion as cars are about to crash kind of way.
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