Nope, that book's not by this Mark Sullivan. I am unpublished.
> To:
> From:
> Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2009 10:10:59 -0400
> Subject: Re: RARA-AVIS: Pynchon according to Washington Post
> No some people donąt watch TV or at least not the crap you describe...but
> another type of crap, from a differentnt ąscriptą than the Ścomplexityą of
> what passes for popular culture...the only things I/we watch here is abysmal
> merde of the following type: rugby, soccer, tennis, car racing and TV5 who
> has sometimes decent films and the Western Channel where two days ago they
> were playing again The Tall T....No local or national news, no CNN, no
> games, no infantile series....For news I/we (in this house) do all on the
> Web: Guardian, TimesUK, Libé, Le Monde, El Periodico (Barcelona), El Clarin
> (Argentina), NYT...and that seems to be largely enough for the crap that
> passes as popular politics anywhere...oh, I forgot...when we hear,
> read...(on Rara for example) of good series we borrow or buy the DVDąs like
> for Deadwood for example...but in general we do about 3 or 4 Netflix fims
> /week...
> All this crap described above makes us I gather totally unsuitable for entry
> in your bible: Everything Bad is Good for You: How Today's Popular Culture
> is Actually Making Us Smarter.
> Sorry mate, we donąt do religion...
> ...but we are friends for 25 years with leading anthropologists at U of
> Michigan and they seem to have some interaction with us too despite the fact
> that they have written, researched and published more books than you can
> think of about Śpopular cultureą...
> Have a good day...
> Montois de bonne humeur...
> PS: found recently a good website about big game hunting (I hunt too, small
> game though): where the author Mark
> Sullivan promotes his new book łFear No Death˛ that you Mark...???
> On 8/9/09 10:22 PM, "Mark Sullivan" <> wrote:
> >
> > What a bunch of elitist crap.
> > Who is this "average American" you're talking about that expects "the temporal
> > element of be consecutive"? Guess you don't watch TV. Your description of
> > Pynchon's time shifts and tangents sounds like a description of Lost, or 24,
> > or ER, or West Wing, or daytime soap operas, or reality shows, or Seinfeld, or
> > Dungeons and Dragons, or video games like Zelda or Grand Theft Auto, or daily
> > internet surfing, all of which are intensely inter- and intratextual. In
> > fact, Steve Johnson wrote a whole book on the increasing complexity of plots
> > on TV and in video games and its impact: Everything Bad is Good for You: How
> > Today's Popular Culture is Actually Making Us Smarter. Yes, he stacks his
> > deck somewhat with how he defines "smarter," but it's an interesting argument.
> > Also, if popular, bestselling writers like Vonnegut or Adams or, my addition,
> > Stephenson are "niche writers," who qualifies as mainstream?
> > Mark
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