Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: future noir?

From: Steve Novak (
Date: 25 Jul 2009

  • Next message: JIM DOHERTY: "RARA-AVIS: Re: future noir?"

    Excellent and thanks for the reference to Musil which prompts readings long delayed...and it also prompted me to research Zamyatin and synesthesia...



    On 7/25/09 12:00 PM, "jacquesdebierue" <> wrote:

    > --- In <> ,
    > Steve Novak <Cinefrog@...> wrote:
    >> >
    >> > Are you being ironic...?
    >> >
    >> > The reality is that whatever shades of noir still exist ...and they are
    >> > multiple and shifting all the time...noir is doing a fantastic businees
    >> > around the world, both in books and in movies, including Tv shows...and of
    >> > course fashion, music and art...In other words noir aesthetics are a
    >> > prevalent trend and the recuperation by the media at large (including book
    >> > publications of course) of those aesthetics has been a dominant force in
    >> > branding and advertising...This has created abominations in the eyes of
    >> > purists, and wonderful and innovative productions alike...
    >> > I雋 appaled at times by the power of the regurgitating media machine and >>
    > I was talking with someone the other day about how the era of Franz Kafka is
    > so NOW... this was in the context of the world in the decade and a half before
    > World War I and the similarities with the current situation. Kafka had an
    > uncanny sense of smell as well as the ability to project the big picture -- to
    > those who were attuned. That big picture was and is the essence of noir. You
    > might say that Kafka didn't invent it but instead discovered it as an
    > essentially modern phenomenon.
    > Because of the power of that vision, we don't really think that a guy in a
    > noir novel is going to shoot his way out of anything. There is no possible
    > escape.
    > Noirists would do well to marry their vision to the spiritual leadership of
    > Franz Kafka. Not only is this strictly appropriate, but it also marries them
    > to the greatest writer of the previous century. One could add Robert Musil to
    > the mix. Seemingly prosperous societies, at the peak you might say, rotten to
    > the core and some people smelling something far away... smelling the NOW.
    > One could also add the great Zamyatin. The smell was felt in various places,
    > all around the same time...
    > Noir is not about criminals, even, it's certainly not about psychopaths,
    > though it can have harbor them and justify them easily... it's about the
    > nightmare that Kafka discovered for us.
    > mrt

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