Are you being ironic...?
The reality is that whatever shades of noir still exist ...and they are
multiple and shifting all the time...noir is doing a fantastic businees
around the world, both in books and in movies, including Tv shows...and of
course fashion, music and art...In other words noir aesthetics are a
prevalent trend and the recuperation by the media at large (including book
publications of course) of those aesthetics has been a dominant force in
branding and advertising...This has created abominations in the eyes of
purists, and wonderful and innovative productions alike...
Išm appaled at times by the power of the regurgitating media machine and Išm
equally mesmerized at other times...
I know that if I simply mention Sin City (graphic novel and film especially)
on this discussion group, guns will start blazing from all kind of different
angles...but for me the magic of that film is as powerful as Le
Samouraď...or some Kitano
I think that the future of noir is bright, shiny and positively
humid...almost tropical...
On 7/24/09 8:45 PM, "Anthony Dauer" <> wrote:
> The future of noir is... dark.
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