...and I do believe that the DVD is available in this region...whatever the
US region is...the proof is that Netflix has it...there were several
offerings on eBay as of two months ago...but Jeff is right...in ten minutes
any 12 y.o.( if you Śowną one or have one available near by), will have this
region thing in your receiver licked...the region thing is as absurd, as
music companies or publishers trying to stop pirating...itąs not even
funny...sadly enough for writers, some are on this group...but any book, at
any time,is available, for now and forever...any 12 y.o. can scan/register
and then disseminate anything...in 24hrs...the technology is available and
cheap, the knowledge is rampant in the young generations, the practice
I can name at least ten people in Costa Rica, France, Paraguay,
Brazil...that know people, that know people... that will do anything...as
John Huston said in Chinatown...
Funny, I feel bad for writers and publishers but not for the music
biz...musicians, I respect & to me they are like writers...but to know that
the music companies are getting bypassed is great joy...since their main biz
was to bypass the musicians for decades...Maybe my reaction comes from the
fact that I grew up with bookstores and books all over the house and Śbook
showsą as the nirvana of TV (Lecture Pour Tous)...
PS: I donąt know where Netflix has their duplication set up (somebody told
me it was a duplic. outfit in Atlanta???)...but somebody over there is
positively reachable...so...if you live there...The duplication outfits that
work for the oil drilling industry (platforms all over the oceans) are by
far the easiest to contact and get things from...they are mainly in Asian
waters nowadays, set up in old tankers anchored somewhere...
Good hunting...
On 7/20/09 6:23 PM, "Jeff Vorzimmer" <jvorzimmer@austin.rr.com> wrote:
> Making your DVD player region-free is a quick firmware hack. Took me
> 15 minutes. Google it.
> Jeff
> On Jul 20, 2009, at 3:09 PM, Mark Sullivan wrote:
>> >
>> > Thanks. Alas, I don't have a region-free player. Maybe it will
>> > inspire me to finally subscribe to Netflix.
>> >
>> >
>>> >> To: rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com <mailto:rara-avis-l%40yahoogroups.com>
>>> >> From: Cinefrog@comcast.net <mailto:Cinefrog%40comcast.net>
>>> >> Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2009 14:18:43 -0400
>>> >> Subject: Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: Song Noir
>>> >>
>>> >> Hereąs the/one Derek Raymond / Gallon Drunk reference:
>>> >> http://www.allmusicimport.com/721329.html
>>> >>
>>> >> But in fact I just ordered it thru Netflix... and checked it out that
>>> >> way...never saw them live but dear friends did and said that I missed
>>> >> something good...
>>> >>
>>> >> Montois
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