Re: RARA-AVIS: Irish Crime and others...

From: Steve Novak (
Date: 23 Apr 2009

  • Next message: trentrey: "RARA-AVIS: Re: Parker preview"

    Thanks for the precisions and ideas...and since the only one I know in the group is Bruen...and since hešs the best thing I have read since Manchette, Daennincxk, Jonquet and Montalban...Išll put him on top too...

    By the way, just finished Le Silence de la Pluie de Luiz Alfredo Garcia-Roza, translated from the Brasilian Portuguese into French...and the title says that is it łan investigation of detective Espinosaš...Excellent book located in Rio...Has it been translated into English and/or have other books by him been translated...???

    Also: anybody in Rara knowing of any mystery/crime story/noir...etc...
    (English/Spanish/French) written on or about Costa Rica or by a Costa Rican writer...???

    Many thanks for any info along these lines...


    On 4/22/09 9:28 AM, "Brian Thornton" <> wrote:

    > A couple of thoughts here:
    > It's not entirely accurate to say that Tana French won the "Debut Edgar" for
    > INTO THE WOODS. She actually won it for "Best First Novel By An American
    > Author" (she was born in the States, and lived here for maybe three minutes
    > before being packed off to the U.K.), which sparked no little bit of
    > controversy among those folks who follow this sort of thing.
    > As for her book, I certainly wouldn't have put it on a top ten list of Irish
    > crime books as long as RILKE ON BLACK or any of Ken Bruen's other myriad
    > fine works is around to occupy that open spot. French's book struck me as a
    > less-than-successful riff on Lehane's MYSTIC RIVER.
    > Lastly, I agree that Hughes' book is a terrific piece of writing, but I'd
    > have to swap its place as number one with Bruen's THE GUARDS at number two.
    > The first of the Jack Taylor books is easily the most influential writing to
    > come out of the Emerald Isle since Yeats was laid "Under Ben Bulben."
    > All the Best-
    > Brian

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