RARA-AVIS: New Jason

From: Tapani Bagge (tapani.bagge@armas.fi)
Date: 04 Mar 2009

  • Next message: Tapani Bagge: "RARA-AVIS: The best noir novel"

    I just finished an advance copy on Jason Starr's new novel, Panic Attack. From the outset you could think that you're getting another potboiler where a middle class family is threatened but at the end virtue and vigilance justice triumphs, but no. This is no Andrew Klavan, this is Jason, the future of noir. He describes the events deftly with multiple points-of-view and a few touches of pitch-black humor and gives a hell of a thriller of his very own kind with some nasty surprises while at the same time delivering a fine portrait of a con artist and robber turning a murderer and a family ravelling apart from reasons within as well as from the outside. The places and the characters are very real. Don't miss this!

    Tapani Bagge

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