--- In rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, Kevin Burton Smith <kvnsmith@...> wrote:
> But I still think anyone whoever tackles such a book is going to have
> to nail down the definition first. Simply calling it noir doesn't make
> it so.
Noir is a much looser denomination than other genres. And I don't think noirs depend as much on cliché situations and characters. The best ones have none of that, each one is a original work.
Look at this list:
The Burnt Orange Heresy
The Ax
13 French Street
The Killer Inside Me
Dark Ride
Cassidy's Girl
What do they have in common? Hard to say, but it's not clichés.
Perhaps a handbook could provide tips for conveying despair and for creating doomed characters, but a good doomed character is a tall order.
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