RARA-AVIS: Re: Bloom and Shakespeare

From: jacquesdebierue (jacquesdebierue@yahoo.com)
Date: 02 Mar 2009

  • Next message: jacquesdebierue: "RARA-AVIS: Re: Best noir novel (was Red Right Hand)"

    --- In rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, "Gonzalo Baeza" <gbaeza@...> wrote:
    > I'd never heard of de Pedrolo before. I'll look him up. Any books in
    > particular you recommend?

    I strongly recomend Joc brut (Dirty play) and Totes les bèsties de càrrega (All the beasts of burden), but Ihave yet to encounter a Pedrolo novel or short story that is not interesting. The guy was a real powerhouse, be it noir, science-fiction, fantasy or totally realistic fiction.

    There is also a movie being made of his end-of-the-world classic
    _Mecanoscrit del segon origen_ (Typescript of the second origin), the first Catalan book to sell a million copies. Directed by the great Bigas Luna (Jamón, jamón, Bambola, etc.).



    And this page of the Pedrolo Foundation has a photo of the author posing as, er, the thin man.




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