On Mar 2, 2009, at 1:20 PM, rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com wrote:
> I haven't read THE RED RIGHT HAND yet, but Whitfield is most
> definitely not one of Cornell Woolrich's pseudonyms. Whitfield did a
> lot of air-war pulp fiction along with his BLACK MASK work, iirc.
...and wrote a couple of classic hard-boiled detective novels, GREEN
ICE and my favourite, DEATH IN A BOWL, about private eye Ben
Jardinn. Whitfield also created disgraced spy/ eye Donald Free, and,
under the pen name of Ramon DeCorta, Island detective Jo Gar, who
appeared in a ton of great stories in Black Mask. He was a drinking
buddy of Hammett's, and lived possibly an even messier life.
Kevin Burton Smith
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