--- In rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, "E.H. Borgers" <ehborg@...> wrote:
> (I also copy this to Mr T., as the mysteries of the deep group
> still are threatening my messages)
Well, Etienne, it seems that most (all?) of your messages are still
being trapped as spam...and not yours alone, as the next two on the
list, from "Crimefix" (sorry, J., I'm not taking the time at the
moment to look up your name...you might consider always signing your
name for just this reason), and Kent Morgan, were also trapped
as "spam"...perhaps in part because they had Yahoo or Yahoo-style ads
at their end. Yes, this makes no sense. I'll continue digging them
our of the spam trap and please let Mario and me know if any of your
messages (or anyone else's, for that matter) aren't popping up at all.
Todd Mason
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