I have enjoyed doing this. Not only is it an ego ride but it
has made me look back a bit and consider where Harry and I
have been as I look to an uncertain future with him. It's
been good to do. So thanks to all of you.
--- In
rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, DJ-Anonyme@... wrote:
> I just wanted to add my 2 cents before the month
> I read A Darkness More Than Night this month. I try
to read authors in
> order (and had gotten a bit behind on this one), so
I knew all of the
> characters from previous books. It was really
interesting to see them
> all interact.
> I will admit to some initial skepticism about the
plot gimmick, which I
> knew going in, that McCaleb ends up suspecting
Bosch. But it was
> handled very, very well. Of course, I never for a
second believed it
> could be true. Not only because I knew the Bosch
series continued, but
> because I knew him from earlier books. However, it
was totally
> understandable that McCaleb might believe it, as he
did not know Bosch
> as well as the reader.
> Michael mentioned that the reviews of this book
> disappointment. I can't imagine why. I really
enjoyed the book quite a
> bit, and it will get me back into reading more by
> Anyway, Michael, thanks very much for a lot of good
reading, both in the
> past and in the future, and thanks for visiting us
here and giving us
> some insight into your work.
> Mark
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