--- In
rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, "Allan Guthrie"
<allan@...> wrote:
> That'll have to change, Jim. With more and more
publishers using POD
> technology to keep their backlist in print at
minimal cost, soon
On a side note I've always wondered why more publishers,
including the big ones, haven't embraced POD technology as a
way to have an increased catalog (i.e. more "in-print titles)
while circumventing Thor Power Tool Company v. Commissioner
of Internal Revenue (i.e. paying taxes on standing
inventory)now that the technology is available.
I can only assume that the bean counters have looked into
this. Assuming that they have, what are they seeing that that
prevents this change. Historically, it could be argued,
change is swift in the industry when it benefits the company.
So then, why no change yet, and will we see one, for the
simple accounting reason laid out above, in the next decade
or so?
Just think out loud
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