>> even though I think a Hard
> Case Crime magazine could be one hell of a lot of
fun, I'm afraid
> it's not gonna happen. I know a suicide mission when
I see one.
> --Charles
Charles, I think you can say New Mystery Magazine from the
90s would've been what a Hardcase Crime Magazine would've
looked liked, and they were never able to get off the ground.
Btw. Any one interested in short noir fiction I highly
recommend chekcing out the archives over at Hardluck Stories
There's some damn good stuff there--and eventhough I've been
publishing it I don't think this my bias talking. I'd start
with Ed Gorman's Beauty, then Ian Rowan's "One Step Closer",
then Bentley Little's "Hell"...
Mark--That should be the second issue of Murdaland. Another
magazine to check out is Out of the Gutter. Here's a very
cool video they put together for their 3rd issue (featuring a
pulp story of mine of high violence titled Adrenaline):
--Dave Z.
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