RARA-AVIS: Re: Tarantino, master of parody

From: david david ( davividavid@yahoo.com)
Date: 05 Jul 2007

I agree entirely with this post with one and only one exception and that exception is "Jackie Brown."

--- "E. Borgers" < webeurop@yahoo.fr> wrote:

> At least some fresh air in this cinema controversy …
> I totally second Mr T in his opinion on Tarantino.
> Since years, I spread my own similar opinion about
> this joker as film maker…
> Mr Tarantino just make a voluntarily confusion
> between caricature of a genre and the genre itself.
> His films are mere acrobatic pastiches treated as
> parody of the genre…
> He does not even understand why some films by
> others were great.
> He just tries to master the camera in his empty
> pastiches: all in visual aggression, nothing in
> substance. He is the killer of genre movie.
> At best he is just an Americanized version of
> Claude Lelouch (French master of unnecessary filming
> effects applied to empty stories at best, to
> conventionally ridicule developments most of the
> time). Of course Tarantino played the same game on
> other grounds: his territory is noir films heritage,
> violence and popcorn teenagers films. All this to
> make his painstaking parodies. Certainly not
> neo-noir. Just neo-junk. With budgets.
> I had no time to jump in the conversation when it
> was still on, but I wanted to support the
> clairvoyance of Mr T.
> E.Borgers
> http://www.geocities.com/Athens/6384
> Jacques Debierue < matrxtech@yahoo.com> a 飲it :
> I don't think Tarantino is very good. I would go so
> far as to say he
> is not even good. If he has shown any originality, I
> have missed it.
> >
> >
> Influenced by Tarantino? That is not a very good
> recommendation.
> MrT
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> [Non-text portions of this message have been
> removed]

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