RE : RARA-AVIS: Re: Tarantino, master of parody

From: E. Borgers (
Date: 05 Jul 2007

At least some fresh air in this cinema controversy …
  I totally second Mr T in his opinion on Tarantino.
  Since years, I spread my own similar opinion about this joker as film maker…
  Mr Tarantino just make a voluntarily confusion between caricature of a genre and the genre itself. His films are mere acrobatic pastiches treated as parody of the genre…
  He does not even understand why some films by others were great.
  He just tries to master the camera in his empty pastiches: all in visual aggression, nothing in substance. He is the killer of genre movie.
  At best he is just an Americanized version of Claude Lelouch (French master of unnecessary filming effects applied to empty stories at best, to conventionally ridicule developments most of the time). Of course Tarantino played the same game on other grounds: his territory is noir films heritage, violence and popcorn teenagers films. All this to make his painstaking parodies. Certainly not neo-noir. Just neo-junk. With budgets.
  I had no time to jump in the conversation when it was still on, but I wanted to support the clairvoyance of Mr T.

Jacques Debierue <> a 飲it :
           I don't think Tarantino is very good. I would go so far as to say he is not even good. If he has shown any originality, I have missed it.

Influenced by Tarantino? That is not a very good recommendation.



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