Speaking of Westlake, I just finished his novel Trust Me On
This, which is about tabloid journalism. There's a murder
mystery in it, but it's one of his comedic efforts, and the
mystery is secondary. It's really a tabloid picaresque. I had
never read one of Westlake's funny novels before. It was just
as good as his noir stuff and his hard boiled Stark efforts.
I don't think Trust Me On This is still in print, but it's
worth finding and reading if you're looking for a change of
On 5/29/07, e_lynskey <
e_lynskey@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I liked this caper novel starring Alan Grofield, one
of Parker's crew
> who has bought a summer stock theater (a renovated
old barn) in Mead
> Grove, Indiana. Of course the only theater-goers are
doctors wives
> and schoolteachers.
> Grofield is forced to work on the side as a thief to
keep his
> enterprise afloat. The ending isn't what I'd hoped
for but the
> dialogue is great. The scene with Grofield buying
the getaway truck
> from a junk dealer is a riot.
> Does this novel compare to Westlake's THE
> Ed
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