RARA-AVIS: Rendezvous in Black

From: nakedcitydame ( calliope67@hotmail.com)
Date: 20 May 2007

Hello all:

Just finished reading this fascinating read by Woolrich and I was certainly impressed with his writing style. My only criticism is that there were quite a few unexplained aspects of the storyline that never came together for me, i.e.,the main character's murdered girl's connection to the men he targeted and I never figured out who actually killed her (did I miss something obvious?). I have started on The Bride wore Black and can see that the story format is almost exactly like Rendezvous... except the main character is a woman. I am enjoying reading it, though, and as in Rendezvous, Woolrich's language style practically has me in tears with every chapter. My favorite part in Rendezvous... is the section that focuses on the businessman and his blind lover. Don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't read it, but the descriptive passages in the climactic chapter had me in tears as I read it. In Bride... the layout of the story is similar in pace with Rendezvous, except that you get much more involved with the main character and there are more plot twists (as far as I've read, which is about halfway) The themes of murder, vengeance, mysterious dames, wise-cracking detectives are in both novels. I am already a fan of Woolrich's style and I'm actively seeking out more of his work, though it is not easy to find many copies of his work. Even in the library circles, many of his novels tend to be at least 10 years or more out of print. Thanks again for your previous suggestions, I will be getting around to ALL of them as soon as I can!


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