Strange enough there is Icelandic noir, even very
Well written, low key thrillers/suspenses are the
procedurals by Arnaldur Indridason, in a series with chief
inspector Erlandur in Reykjavik. Seven novels were produced
until now (2006).
Chile anybody? There is a very good noir writer :
Ramon Diaz-Eterovic, with private eye Heredia and Simenon his
cat. Dark, nostalgic, moving. Set in Santiago in the
after-Pinochet era.
Cuba? Leonardo Padura and his Havana inspector,
Mario Conde, in stories set during the end of the 80s.
Extremely well written with some good bluezy atmospheres and
social snapshots.
Mexico? Go for Rolo Diez. An outstanding writer
with some atypical "picarequa noir" sagas And a series with
inspector Hernandez: atypical, brutal, full of irony and…
I suppose you all know Paco Ignacio Taibo II, one
of the greats? (came from Argentina).
Algeria: Yasmina Khadra and his outstanding
inspector Lobb quartet.
Already discussed on this list.
Italy? There you have Carlo Lucarelli, Cesare
Battisti, Andrea Camilleri and many more.
We could prolong this list: Noir is
Willow Arune <> a 飲it : Bangkok, Bombay,
Any information on other strange places where noir can be
Is there any South African noir? Brazil? Sure, Australian,
but where else can we travel in one dimension? I have heard
of a Swedish series. Iceland?
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