I sadly saw Stallone's Get Carter. I was interested in how
they would ruin the book. It was a world-class smear
They moved the setting from industrial England to Seattle
(really Vancouver because it's cheaper to film there). They
made Stallone into a bouncer for a Las Vegas casino. So he
has a legitimate job, instead of being a hatchet-man for a
criminal network. They softened the story like a wet blanket,
making Carter's niece a spunky heroine. The movie also
featured Allan Cummings as a Bill Gates type computer
millionaire with a cowboy hat and Mickey Roarke being Mickey
Roarke. And worst of all they brought back Michael Caine to
further tarnish the reputation of the original film.
It was so bad we left the theater, but found no other movie
starting soon so mistakenly went back into Get Carter to
suffer some more. And unsurprisingly they changed the
And yes, I was disappointed that no publishers felt the need
to reprint the Get Carter books. But when the movie was so
terrible and grossed like $6 mil maybe the publishers made
the right financial decision.
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