RE : RARA-AVIS: Re: E.Richard Johnson Interview

From: E. Borgers (
Date: 20 Apr 2007

  As I was not sure that some of you could read French, in my previous message I didn't mention the address of a site that transferred as Web pages the complete collection of HARD-BOILED DICKS.
  It's at :
  Just click on a writer name in the list on the left, and you access to all of the HBD issue built around him.

Karin Montin <> a 飲it : I'm sorry, but I couldn't read that so-called translation. This bit caught my eye, though.

"I crossed a very bad master key." Always good for a laugh, Babelfish.

Perhaps you could give us the link to the French article?


At 01:10 PM 19/04/2007 +0000, Willow Arune wrote:
>2a. E.Richard Johnson Interview
> Posted by: "Willow Arune" pangarun
> Date: Wed Apr 18, 2007 12:00 pm ((PDT))
>I noted that Sue Feder's article on Johnson referred to an interview with a French magazine, tracked that down easily enough and ran it through a Web translator. The result - not great but understandible, is below:

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