Dear Fellow Rare Birds-
While researching the work on Ross MacDonald, I came across
this gem:
which may have been kicked around the playing field a time or
two before.
However, since I think (with all due respect) that Mr. Mertz
is wrong about Carroll John Daly being more influential than
Hammett (as if there were any doubt. My opinions relative to
the work of Carroll John Daly and Dashiell Hammett are a
matter of some record here on Rara Avis), and especially take
exception to the notion that Daly was more influential on
Chandler than Hammett (After all, Chandler seemed to consider
Hammett a definite spiritual predecessor), I thought I'd post
it to the list and see what the rest of you thought.
Also, I predict that Terrill and Jim D. will patch up their
differences over Altman in opposition to my basic premise
that Daly was a hack of the first order. Kenneth Robeson
should have been so bad. I can practically hear the hairs
being split now:
Jim D.: "But what is the definition of 'hack'? And does he
have to be 'good' (and what is the definition of 'good'?) in
order to be 'influential'? And what is the definition of
Terrill: "Notice that Mr. Mertz did not claim that he was
'better' than Hammett,' merely that he was 'more
Am I wrong?
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