Re: RARA-AVIS: bookstores in Vegas

From: Patrick King (
Date: 20 Nov 2006

Vegas is a real hard-boiled town. Don't miss Bugsy Seigal's Flamingo Hotel, named for the mob money laundress, Virginia Hill. There is a lot of organized crime stories and murders to research in Las Vegas. Donald Wolfe claims that Seigal's problems in Vegas resulted in the Black Dahlia murder in Los Angeles on Feb 2, 1948. Seigal staged a series of burglaries in LA to finance the failing Flamingo, that week end. There are a lot of crimes just barely in living memory to investigate in Vegas.
--- Jeff Vorzimmer <> wrote:

> Going to Las Vegas in a couple of weeks. Any good
> bookstores where I could
> be pick up some used hardoiled crime paperbacks or
> anything I should see
> other than the obvious gambling joints?
> Jeff

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