Glad to learn that you enjoyed your trip into Gallic noir. As
you point it, I could not extend the "good" list too much, by
lack of English translations. However, if you ask my opinion,
Dantec became a schizophrenic writer during the last 5-6
years, and, you're right, Babylon Babies (1999 in French) is
SF . Unless you are attracted by literary oddities, my
friendly advice is to stay away from the book. Too long, too
much, too paranoid... and finally not much left after reading
-but it had its supporters. It's a pity because Dantec was a
gifted writer, and his first novels are still worth to be
read, but I do not think they were translated: "La sir讥
rouge" (The Red Mermaid), 1993 - "Les racines du mal" (The
Roots of Evil), 1995. the second one was a big success; he
already mixed genres: noir and a bit of cyberpunk SF, but it
was balanced and interesting. Both were published by S鲩e
Noire. He did even much worst than Babylon Babies, in a kind
of essay/preaching/political book in two volumes wherein he
attacks everything and their opposite in a pompous
"metaphysical " tone. Just forget those two books published
by Gallimard in 2000 and 2001, 600 pages each... Then was
"Villa Vortex "(2003): the receipt of the two essays applied
to what Dantec calls a novel, written with a confusing
babbling, often incomprehensible, and with no real structure.
He lives in Quebec since 1999.
> Anyway, while looking for something else, I stumbled
across the news
> that Semiotext(e) has published Babylon Babies by
Maurice Dantec. It
> looks more sci-fi than crime, but both the words
hardboiled and noir are
> used in the description. Has anyone read it? How is
> There's also a link to an interview with Dantec at
the site:
> Mark
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