RARA-AVIS: Recent viewing and reading

From: William Denton ( wtd@pobox.com)
Date: 03 Jan 2006

I got a bit bogged down in December and just recently ploughed through my backlog of list mail. Lots of interesting reading! I will now resume sending out reminders about trimming quoted text when replying, too!

I saw THE ICE HARVEST the day it came out and was disappointed. Changing things is all right, bit they should have changed John Cusack's character more: he's John Cusack, so naturally we like him and want him to get the money and all, but there's no denying he's a shady mob-connected lawyer who ignores his children and hangs around strip joints all day. Those don't go together. I wish they'd kept the original setting and ending, but so it goes. A friend of mine refused to see the movie because of Cusack and Harold Ramis (the director), and held up a copy of Kent Harrington's DIA DE LOS MUERTOS, saying "Maybe they can do this one next!"

There was some discussion of the Hard Case Stephen King when it came out. It's neither hardboiled, nor noir, nor interesting. I've enjoyed all the others I've read in that line except for Max Phillips's FADE TO BLONDE, which I picked up a few days ago and put down midway.

For some bizarre reason I'd never got around to reading DRAMA CITY, the George Pelecanos novel from last year. I'm reading it now, and I like it a lot. He's a fine writer, with an assured touch.

That's about all the HB/noir reading I've done recently, but I have stacks of other stuff to work through.



William Denton : Toronto, Canada : www.miskatonic.org : www.frbr.org

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