> Thanks so much for all of the congratulations--I
really appreciate it!!
> And, yes, I've been known to dabble with malt
beverages. See you at
> bar, Brian.
This reminds me of my wife when we first met. She was a
bartender at a Hip Hop Bar (early 90s) in Alphabet City (2nd
& B), she had a full bar, but all she ever had to serve
was malt liquor. (No, I didn't meet her there.)
So, what do the rest of you drink? I drink rye, probably
because that's what my uncles drank when I was growing up and
I guess I always thought of it as the adult beverage of
choice. Judging from a lot of fiction from the 30s and 40s,
it seems to have been the liquor of choice then, to be
surpassed by bourbon sometime in the 50s or 60s. I think guys
like the rat pack helped make bourbon popular.
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