Re: RARA-AVIS: tough

From: Steve Novak (
Date: 17 Feb 2005

...true your view on the quote which I just picked up on his website anyway...and added since he¹s been quite bashed on usually by fellow
Œmystery¹ US writers and US Œmystery¹ critics...

...independantly of that quote I still agree that Burke early novels were as tough/noir as any written character that I have encountered anywhere...

....because if we go to films I/we have to mention first Keitel¹s Bad Lieutenant...


On 2/17/05 5:44 PM, "Keith Sparrow" <> wrote:

> Michael Robinson wrote
>> > The difference between noir film and noir fiction goes
>> > way beyond the media, so the quote is indulging an
>> > apples and oranges comparison.
>> >
>> > miker
> Don't disagree, but I can't recall, now at least, any darker books
> than Vachss early Burke novels! His brooding soul and disenfranchisement
> and the bleak settings of his home and community! Oh my! Sad to discover
> that Mr. Vachss has started to mainstream Burke. Also thought that early
> Scudder, before he -- gasp! -- got married again and settled down, had
> that similiar black/bleak feel.
> Keith Sparrow
> Sparrow's Nest Books
> Member: IOBA: Independent
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